A beautiful moment

Am so sorry for not remembering all this while, it most have been really lonely for you....and .....(hug) before Shan could say anything Guangxi hugged him before Saying: please don't apologize, none of that matters now since we are together again.

I really like how you smell like strawberries mixed in red roses, your scent is quite intoxicating just like before...,

Shan was cut off guard with all the compliments Guangxi kept throwing at him, and suddenly he kinda felt like the weather is getting hotter, maybe even hard for him to breathe...,

Guangxi was talking to him earlier by now the alpha seems to be quite, so Shan raises his head to sneak a peak at what the alpha was doing...., only to meet the smooches, ah.... slurp....slurp...., ....ah....wait.... slurp....mmm....the kiss was so intense reaching to the point that Shan was gasping for air. Shan could help but wonder...., Just how desperate is this alpha right now

Guangxi hugged Shan before saying; so do you want to continue????

Even Though the alpha seems to be asking for Shan's opinion, but the look in his eyes are saying a entire different thing, Guangxi looks like he is trying so hard to control himself

Shan couldn't help but smile, it seems like Guangxi is really trying so hard to control his alpha instincts, making Shan see the alpha in a whole new level. it turns out that the alpha can also be considered.

And just like that, with out even thinking much of it shan nodded in agreement, giving the alpha permission to continue....,

The moment Shan said yes ....Guangxi pick him up in his arms like he was some some princess....., Shan couldn't help but yelp..., before saying hey put me down....arh...,it's so embarrassing... Shan said that covering his face in the alpha chest.he said it like he as if whispering, pl...ea..se put me down.... what if someone sees us ....., its the middle of the day.....

Shhhh.... Guangxi said; don't worry no one is here, so no one will see us.

Meanwhile in the kitchen three people where peeping through the kitchen window looking at the adorable couple couple outside....., it seems like their plan worked to bring back the two together.

In the bedroom, Guangxi was already on top of the omega, pulling his shirt up, even though a month ago they slept together but Shan was going through heat that time, it's kinda exciting that they are finally doing it when they are both sober.

Ahh... hey don't lick it...., it's sensitive.....mmmh... arg....Shan couldn't hold back his morns when the alpha kept sucking and licking his nipples,

Seeing that the omega is enjoying their little play, the alpha couldn't help but want to mess a little with the omega; Oh wow you are really hard down there too and you are also so wet too...!!!

Uhhhgg... Shan couldn't help but morn the moment Guangxi took a hold of his junior down there...., it felt so good...., Guangxi hands are a little cold which makes it even satisfying...., he kept moving his hands it felt great..., way better than when Shan is trying to satisfy himself alone and just when Shan was reaching his limits Guangxi grabbed his head and kissed him....., and just then Shan release his loads in the alpha's hands....., the omega was trying to catch his breath but Guangxi was in no way near done....., in fact the alpha is just getting started.

He pulled out all the omega's clothes before, removing his own, he just couldn't help but admire the slender waist of the omega, his cute pink nipples and his messy pink hair that looked like a pink cotton ball, the omega's eyes where misty and Guangxi couldn't wait to make him cry under him from pure pleasure.

While the omega was shyly closing his eyes, the shameless alpha is already under him, staring at his little pink hole that is bringing out some translucent liquid, it was beautiful, .... at the alpha wants nothing more than to eat up the omega right that instant...., he wants to devour him but at the same time doesn't want to hurt the omega

Ahhh...., don't do that...., wa..it.... don't...., Shan couldn't understand what going on with his body twitching, how could Guangxi even suck him down there...., but the pleasure is so good that his body could help but want more....., and just like that as if the alpha could sense the omega's excitement, he stop to....but Shan was getting impatient and before he could ask why the alpha stopped.....

Mmmh... ahhh.... something huge slide inside him, at that moment his insides was full.

Guangxi groans at the pleasure of being inside the omega, it felt so warm inside, it so tight inside....its as if the omega's inside is trying to suck him in.

Guangxi licks and kisses the omega's neck; ah you are so beautiful....., I feel like devouring you by kissing you from your head to toe.....,uh... thrust... thrust...., arrrr... mmm wait...., uhmmm slow down... ahh..I...i...can't take it...., it...it too much!!!

Guangxi look at the omega beneath him, he looks so erotic ..., with tears in his eyes, .... his face right now is so sexy....., making Guangxi feel like marking him at that moment....., so that every one will know who he belongs to.

Guangxi was hitting that sweet spot and Shan couldn't hold it and came.... soon after he hugged Guangxi making the alpha feel his body and just like that Guangxi seems to have increased his pace and so enough came.... Shan was satisfied and thought that was the end of it but.... boy was he wrong ....., the alpha kept going at it..., each time saying please just one more....., and just like the alpha kept going at it till Shan threatens to end it.... and as soon as he stopped the omega lost consciousness, never to wake up till later in the evening.