The truth about Lin’s past

In the mansion, Lin has gotten close to a very cute maids named mei mei, she is very adorable and like to keep him company, yesterday she helped Lin plant more flowers in the garden, they even got a few peach trees to be transplanted in some parts of the garden.

Mei mei likes, to hang out with Lin and since he doesn't remember his favorite things so she decided to share her own favorite things with him,

Mei mei: young master Lin I got you some peach juice, here try it maybe you will love it since you seems to love peaches. In fact sometimes you even smell like peaches..... ha ha.

Just then the maid's phone brought out light, so Lin picked it to pass the phone to the maid... hey mei mei , I think you have a message...!!!

Mei Mei asked; oh really, I doubt it, but what does it say....,

Lin looked at the phone before saying, oh it's a message from fandom "the mask band lovers"

Lin noticed that her screen has the same picture as the one at the restaurant, even though it's a different picture but it's the same people. So he asked; so you are a fan of this band????

Mei Mei turned and said yes I love then since I was little, they used to be very small when they started performing, though no body knows their real face, but they have killer dance moves and amazing songs...., oh I will show you some of their videos that They did earlier this year.

And the moment she played the video, Lin became confused, he saw flashbacks like he was the other boy in the video, the one in blue jacket, he unknowingly started singing along with the song, while the maids was amazed that he knew the song...,

Lin said I think this will help me remember my lost memories, so he rushed to computer in the bedroom and put in the flash drive that Shan gave him about three weeks ago, there was a folder saying our beautiful memories...of course he saw it before but nothing happened, maybe if he watched today he might understand, so he clicked it and the next thing he saw was pictures and videos of him and Shan with Liam and the foreigner Loren.

So he clicked the first video,

In the video they were ready to perform, the place it seems to be a dressing room, they where singing and just then, Liam brought them their masks, before saying, ok Shan no more messing around you guys are going on stage in five minutes, and the moment they wore the mask, Lin started to remember that day, while the maid couldn't believe that her favorite idol is actually her boss...!!!!

And just like that Lin started to remember everything, he asked the maid to give him his phone, he needed to make a call,

After the video call got connected, the first thing Shan heard was: you ass hole I told not to mess with my stuff, I can't believe you even recorded your self drinking my filthy year old wine are you insane, I was saving that bad boy for my wedding night with brother yang...., wait wait a minute..., am not married to your brother

Shan was listening to the omega who is confusingly asking questions and answering them at the same time, and if Lin actually knew that Lu yang is his brother and that they are not married, that means he remembered everything...!!! Shan couldn't help but snicker, well it seems like my brother has a lot of explaining to do.

Shan shouted before saying oh my ... you are back baby, and to think it would take you a long time to remember me you asshole, then I guess drinking that wine was the best thing I have ever done for you, don't worry i will be on my way to see you as soon as am back to town.

And just like that Lin ended the call, yep Lin has gotten his memory back, but why was he together with another alpha if he was marked already...., his body never even rejected Lu yang's touched, some thing was wrong and Lin doesn't seem to understand anything, he turned to see Mei Mei offering him a glass of juice, here drink this to help you calm down, Lin collected the juice before saying thanks..., you know peaches are my favorite, and you are right my hormones also scent like peaches, actually my friends use to say that a lot.

Mei Mei asked Lin; young master does that mean you remember everything?????

Lin looked at her and said yes I remember and I also remember that I don't belong here, but I have good news for you, you actually just meet both of your idols already...!!!

Mei looked at him before saying; so young master Shan is actually the second singer, no wonder, they both have pink hair, even though his hair style is always different when he is dressed are rossy in the mask, I have meet all you ...all this time and I couldn't even recognize you guys, am sorry I won't tell anyone but could I watch all your videos from backstage????

Lin looked at her before saying sure go ahead, I don't mind.

The maid felt like if she where to die right now she won't have any regrets, while Mei Mei was enjoying her videos, Lin went in to shower, while she was lost in her own world until she heard what the omega said; hey I will be going away for a while please take care of yourself, well I don't even have anything to carry back cuz none of this where mine to begin with.

Mei Mei tried to stop him from going, cuz she felt like if she didn't stop him she will be in lots of trouble, the alpha will be home any minute now it's better if she could stall the omega till then.

And luckily or as for the omega unluckily, Lu yang arrived just in time, the maid excused herself and left slowly.

Lin turned to look at Lu yang before asking; do you think this is a joke, up till now everything you told me was a lie, I thought we were a family, but I was marked and bonded by another alpha, who even seeks my life, but then you had to make a fool out of me..., I never thought you would do this. What other things are you hiding from me.

Lu Yang looked at the omega before saying; am sorry, that night I didn't actually rescue you, in fact I wrong you that day, I couldn't control my self...., I WAS THE ONE WHO RAPPED YOU THAT NIGHT, I WAS ALSO THE ALPHA WHO MARKED YOU, I couldn't tell, I tried too, but I didn't want you to hate me so much, and when I saw you that night the fang gang kidnaped you for the second time, I felt so guilty for what I did to you, I was the reason he wanted to remove the baby from inside you, so when they said your life was in danger I had to make a choice to save one of you, they removed....

Lin couldn't take it anymore as he put his hands around his ears as if trying to cover his ears from hearing what the alpha was saying, he doesn't believe none of this made sense, he couldn't bear to continue listening to the alpha, he was crying so hard shaking his head in denial, he couldn't bear it anymore so to he shouted at him interrupting him to stop talking, please stop Lin was crying so hard he felt like he was having a night mare and he just wants to wake up so badly...!!!

Lu yang tried to touch him and comfort him but he push him away; don't come any closer.

How could the man of his dreams be the reason why his life was full of pain and regrets, he thought he was tainted and unworthy to be by Lu yang's side, but the alpha hide the truth from him, he was pregnant for eight months thinking the baby has no father but the man was there all along.

Lin just wants to get out of here but Lu yang doesn't want him to go.