Little A’Lin

that afternoon, Lin and Lu yang went out for sight seeing, Lin was super excited to show Lu yang all of his fun and favorite places in country A. While

The alpha is distracted through out the tour, he couldn't stop thinking of the most appropriate moment to propose to the omega..,after all there is no time to waste, it will be great if Lin will marry him before the end of the year.. maybe they could have two weddings at the same time, with his little brother

Lin is kinda feeling down, he couldn't help thinking...could it be that Lu yang is already regretting his decision already...after so much thought Lin summoned courage and decided to ask the alpha..

But they both turned at the same time to say; I have something to say ( ask ) one is asking..

Hmmm you go first ( again at the same time)

Lin shyly said; hmmm you ask first !!!

Lu yang; ah ok.., am sorry I know you said we should take it slow..., but I made you a ring I hope it's your size... seeing that the omega looks happy even though he isn't saying anything, the alpha decided to continue... ALL AM ASKING IS ....WILL YOU MARRY ME???

Now holding both hands of the omega, Lu yang couldn't help but admire his beauty.

The wet feeling on his hands draw the alpha back to his senses, the omega is crying again... the alpha couldn't help but panic saying,... oh ... you don't have to say anything for now...hmm just keep the ring.. ahem after all I did promise to take it slow with you...

Lin hearing what the alpha said, could only shake his head; no please... i love to marry you.... yes my answer is yes...I will marry you

The alpha was more than relieved to hear that yes, he hugged Lin and kissed him so passionately before saying.., I love you, you are mine now.. please stop makes me sad and anxious and i don't like it.

Lin was trying to wipe his tears when the alpha used his handkerchief to wipe his face, even the piece of cloth smells just like the alpha. With the omega calmed, the alpha puts the ring on him its a very beautiful ring, it's seems to be made from Gu jewelries collection, except this was actually customized for only the two of them,

After going around the city, they went for shopping where Lu yang bought so many clothes that suit the omega's taste. Of course he knew the omega like pop star style of clothing, at a time the omega use to love putting a few glittery stickers under his right eye where he has a little black birth mark.

At the store, the alpha asked for the cute glitter box the one with stars and hearts shapes, Lin was surprised to see the alpha buying that for him, the alpha even said he likes it when he put on the stickers. The alpha is only trying help the omega regain his confidence, because he was the reason why the omega lost his reason to smile and motivation but now it seems that the omega is happy being together with him.

They got home just around dinner, of course Mrs Xu told them to remember to come back home for dinner. During dinner the alpha's phone started to ring so after finishing his meal he excused himself before going back to Lin's room to call back.

From the other line

Shan; hello brother yang yang.. you couldn't even call your brother to tell him, you got back your Cinderella runaway... am so happy for you both, by the way try and not be doing all that know in public...!!! Shan said the last part smiling.

Lu yang of course was lost and doesn't know what his brother was talking about?? So he could only say

Lu yang; Shan just go to the point....!! Lu yang said in a stein voice.

His little brother was laughing from the other side before saying, you are all over the social media platform after someone took a picture of you kissing Lin, going on shopping and even proposing... by the way did you actually propose to him already???

Lu yang sighs before saying; yes I did..., I hope you have pick up your nephew from his grandparents place.

Yes I did and don't worry... we will be there in your private jet tomorrow, oh and by the way tell aunt am coming... so she could make me some of her famous sweet dumplings...

The alpha only replied with a humming sound to his brother before saying okay then am going to hang up.

After dinner, the two went to bed early, but this time around the two are finding it really hard to fall asleep, the alpha is trying his hardest best to resist, while the omega is nervously laying down, not even trying to move an inch or change his position.

Of course the alpha was the first to break the ice, he asked the omega if it will be okay for him to go back tomorrow.

But that wasn't what the omega expected, he thought the alpha will want to be together with him again...., like ask him to go back together... maybe...!!!

But it's seems like that is not the case, so Lin Said he understand and he is fine with the alpha going back tomorrow.

The next day

Lin woke up early in the morning only to see Shan and Mi Lan the famous actress, all of a sudden he got an idea... he ran back to his room and after some few minutes he came back before rushing to his friend.

Lin; oh my god Shan... what are you doing here..., are you here for a show or something????

Mrs Xu; little Lin come here, there is a little fella here that wants to say hi.....!!

Lin turned to see his mother holding a very cute baby having the same blue eyes as her..., at that moment the omega didn't know what was going on... but he found himself rushing to the baby who is shaking his little cute hands towards him as if excited to meet him..., Lin picked the baby and the little cute wrap his little fingers around Lin's finger.

Lin didn't even notice that was has been crying ever since he picked the baby..., his mom patted his back feeling proud and yet sad that her son went through so much without her knowing, and his son... who is now her grandson is almost a year old.

Lu yang; It's okay Lin don't cry, look little A'Lin is sad..

Lin raised his head confused because of the name, and hell... he didn't even notice he was crying so he try to bring excuses....

Lin; ahem ha ha am sorry I just got a little emotional, the baby looked so familiar it's like how I thought my son will look like if I had a one...aha... he tried to smile but in the end he couldn't he just remember how he lost his baby because he wasn't strong enough....

Meanwhile every one in the room is looking at the alpha who is actually supposed to break the news to his lover that his son or their son is alive...seeing it his turn to say something...

Lu yang; A'Lin is your son.... no our son I saved both of you that night, because I know you will be happy to wake up some day to see our son healthy.

Lin was shocked so he asked but... how????

I got an incubator for children, it's something my friend just recently developed, I got it shifted that night from country A to X city... I got lucky he was able to wait a little longer.... that's how he survived, this is the last surprise I promise no more secrets...

Lin was so happy he hugged the alpha with the baby in his hands, he looked so happy, anyone could tell how happy the omega is.

Mrs Xu; am so proud of you Lin, and you have got a very beautiful baby, he also got your eyes...she patted her son before saying. ok let's have breakfast

While Mi Lan couldn't help but feel happy and emotional, to be honest she has been a fan girl of Lin ever since young....., she likes everything about him it's just too bad he was an omega but she still remains loyal..., that's how she even knew he was in a The boy band because of her curiosity about him. But now she felt so happy knowing that he is happy to....

And just then some one barge into the dining room with messy golden blond hair, he was panting trying to catch his breath..... when he said where is Lin??? Is he okay???? He just woke me up saying there is an emergency....!!! Haaa.....haaa... still catching his breath.

Just then Lin came out looking perfectly fine..., Jack couldn't understand so he turned around to look at the people inside the room course he felt like there seems to be more people than usual..... and that's when he saw her..... he embarrassingly tried to fix his hair while standing straight...., he couldn't believe his idol is right in front of him

meanWhile in Mi Lan head....; she couldn't believe that there is a man looking exactly as Lin but this time around way cooler...., with same hair same eyes same face except for the muscling turned. This is definitely an alpha version of Lin.

Every one in the room could notice they both feel attracted to each other except for the two.