
Back in Aquestria....Libra's room

Libra was lying on her luxurious bed. Looking up at the ceiling, she couldn't help but feel wierd all of a sudden. Tomorrow was her 10th birthday and she should be excited but she wasn't. She knew that her parents also got married like this but she really didn't want her marriage to be arranged this early. She tried talking to her father and mother but they just told her that she was just too young to understand. She was going to marry a person she didn't even know. A creature she didn't know existed and....wait a second, what kind of creature was he? He wasn't an angel not a demon and she definitely knew he was not a witch so what was he? A vampire? No, vampires don't have blue wings. What was his name again? Oh Quinton. "Quinton." She said to herself as she sat up. She was too young to be stressing about such things. She got off her bed and walked towards the mirror. She looked at herself and she frowned when she saw what was on her face. It was a blue pimple. This wasn't extraordinary because she has been getting these kind of pimples since she was 8 years old. She never told anyone about them because she was too embarrassed. She would occasionally cove her pimples with her silver angel hair so no one would notice, but it was getting harder now that she was getting older. She had tried everything to deal with these kind of pimples and the worse thing is that they had wierd colours. Some were green and some were blue like this one. She had started wondering if it was a sort of illness or something. She knew she had to tell someone soon but who? After looking at herself in the mirror for a while, she stood up and turned around to walk towards the door when suddenly, someone appeared in front of her. "Ahh!" She screamed but the person just grabbed her and covered her mouth to stop her from screaming. Then the person disappeared from the room along with her. When the guards entered the room to see what was going on, they found that no one was there. 2 of them ran out of the room to tell the king while the others searched the room. In some other place, Libra and the person appeared to be in a village. The person then let go of Libra and she emmedietly fell to the ground. The person was wearing a black cloak that covered their eyes. When Libra looked closer, she saw a pink-ish dress inside the cloak. Was she a woman? Libra then looked around to see where she was, she didn't recognize this place at all. Where was she? The village looked small and friendly but she couldn't see anyone else in it except for the herd of cattle in a sort of kraal. She looked at the woman and spoke, "where am I and who are you?" She asked and narrowed her eyes. The woman removed her cloak and revealed her face. Her skin was angel white, her eyes were emerald green and her lips were full heart pink. She had a few freckles under her eyes and her hair was long and blonde. She wore a maid-like pink dress and her shoes were blue pumps. Libra widened her eyes when she saw that the woman had a blue pimple just like hers on the side of her chin. But how did she get her here so fast? Was she a witch? Libra had many questions in her eyes as she gazed at the woman before her. "My name is Crystal, I am an Emerald witch." She stated. "Me and my people have been looking for you for 2 years Libra." She said as she looked at the blue pimple on her forehead. "C... Crystal....what do you want with me.." she asked, obviously looking scared. "No need to be scared princess. I mean no harm." She said as she reached out her hand to touch her cheeck. "I'm only here for that thing on your face." She said as she pointed at her pimple.