. The book...

"That ends there." After saying, "Bam" with force, the book closed.

"What!" with a confused exclamation, a woman's face appears beyond the closed book.

Her eyes flutter due to the air that seeps through the book when it gets closed with pressure near her face. Once the eyes focus properly, they show color.

It was the beautiful deep blue eyes of iolite, which narrowed into frowns in despair as the tears dripped through them. 

Her hand move towards the corner of her eyes in order to wipe those tears with the handkerchief as she spoke. "It should not end like this."Her lips flutter in the soft voice as her eyes desperately follow the back of the closed book.

"I knew it was going to be garbage."A second, irritated voice enters the conversation. It produces a sound of displeasure with its tongue as it speaks.

And then abruptly rising from the chair exclaimed, "What else did you expect?"

"I should have known that this is how every fantasy story for kids ends," that second woman says as she walks away, yanking the book from the table.

Although the second woman's voice was visibly becoming agitated, she had no choice but to remain calm.

"I can't believe I wasted my precious time reading such nonsense to her," the second woman said as she put the book back on the shelf.

Her gaze remained fixed on the book for some time after she had placed it back on the shelf, as she thought, 'Those dam villagers have the nerve to kill a person while burying them in the ground. If they had talked to the beast, then they would have known that a werewolf bite can never change a person into their kind, but their blood, which has their consent, can turn a person into their kind, and that is not an easy process either. Werewolf blood should be inherited by birth, but if someone wishes to turn a human into a werewolf, then that werewolf must surrender half of their life to that person, which is unlikely because they will not give up their life and power to an ordinary human who despises them. Well, those facts must not have been known by those villagers, which is why they had their prejudices about the Warewolf clan and hunted them. Their false superiority is the only cause of their demise.

The second woman shakes her head as she pities their stupidity.

'I guess that person despite being a beast purposely bit the group leader just to make him suffer at the hands of the people he trusted. Well, that serves him right. In the end, I guess he still doesn't want to kill any humans at all. Now I wonder: who exactly should be considered the beast?'

She takes a long breath to calm herself before turning away from the shelf.

"But this story was really painful." The first women's voice that can burst into tears at any time landed in her ear as she turned, and remained dramatically vocal, "Both of them die in the end." 

Because it was mimicking, "But I really don't understand how", it had the texture of a child's voice as it presented.

Before the second woman's eyes, she noticed a light, pale complexion as she turned. It was the figure of a lady who was seated on the chair near the table, clothed from head to toe in the maid's attire. Her face was not fixed on the table even though she was seated in a chair. Instead, it was looking at her, at the place where the second woman was standing. That was near the bookshelf.

The first woman's legs were not crossed in folding; instead, her legs were spread apart from each other as she was making herself comfortable on the chair.

Even her face was making childish pouts her lips twisting downward, her brow wrinkled with an innocent expression.

"Ha!" an annoyed groan leaves the second woman's mouth as she looked at those expressions on the first women's face and exclaimed in a shirty voice, "How would I know Raina?"

Raina was looking at the second woman with a dejected expression while sitting on the chair and resting her hand on the table to support her chin. Those looks really irritated the second woman, because the way Raina is behaving doesn't make sense.

The second woman walks ferociously, shifting her gaze away from Raina to the other self.

While pulling up another book from the shelf, the second woman speaks sharply, "I have already recited you the whole story with, every line in detail." 

"And the last line only said he closed his eyes and succumbed to death," the second woman explained calmly as she tried to end the conversation.

"But he was fine even after being stabbed with a magic stick. But he dies once he lies beside her on the ground. " excited expression filled with pain glimmered on the face of Raina as she tried to reason with the second woman about the book story.

And jolting herself over the chair Raina inquired, "How?"

But as soon as she asked those questions, she felt a chilling stare with killing intent and shuddered violently.

"OK ok, I know you don't know either. Sorry."

Raina even groans childishly after becoming quiet for a while.

"If you are that curious," Holding her anger with a fake smile showing on her face, the second woman replied, "Why don't you go and ask the author? He was the one who made them die that way. "

"Where I am going to find the author of this book? The author might have died already. " Raina moaned and pursed her lips in irritation.

Huffing in amazement, the second woman replied, "That's your problem."

A voice buzzed near her ear, while Raina ferociously twisted her mouth as she was blankly staring at the table.

"I have a question." A tone that was attempting to play as sweet as honey with a face filled with a long smile looked at Raina and inquired, "Why the hell did you pick up this book, Raina?"

Raina's face glowed with excitement as she heard the questions and responded quickly. "I just picked it up because I liked its cover." There was an expression of contentment on her face. Even her eyes were sparkling like stars as she replied fondly in amusement.

But something struck her when she felt chilly looks from the other corner of the room, and she abruptly turned her head towards the bookshelf.

With a horrified expression on her face, Raina suddenly clamped her mouth with her palm.

"I knew it!" soft whisper with glaring eyes exclaimed.

Raina's mouth gloated unconsciously and small broken pieces of words, which were meant to plead, left her mouth.

"No, listen."

In a bewildered accent, Raina responded as she immediately got up from her chair and crouched behind it. "That's not what I mean," and added, "Please hear me out first, Minella," with an uneasy grin on her face.

The woman Raina was talking with was Minalla.

Looking at Raina's face, Minella, who was standing next to the bookshelf, yelled, "You she-devil."

"Now you have  done it."

Minella walked with her eyes fixated on Raina as she slowly inserted the book back into the bookshelf.

She began clenching her fists and fingers while grinning viciously."I am going to kill you today."

"Wait! Wait, Minella. "Raina's gaze wavers towards Minella's hand, then it resumes to Minella's face as she exclaims with a fake smile.

  Minella ran to the other edge of the chair behind which Raina was hiding.

Raina screams, "Minella! You can't do this to your one and only sister, " as she tried to reason with her. 

"And I am even older than you," Raina yelled again while leaning away from the chair as she avoided the hand of Minella, who was a little far away to reach her.

"Oh, now you remember that you are older. Where was your mind when you were listening to stories from children's fantasy books? " The clenching voice with a sharp tone fell on her, which was coming from Minella's mouth.

"You wasted precious time of your little sister."

Minella exclaimed, "How dare you," while furiously twisting her face.

"This is not what you said when you handed over that book to me." Even now Minella's voice started giving the ominous vibes earlier, but only her glare was scary.

"Minella! I am learning new words, and this book has so many new words that it is very difficult for me to understand. Can you please recite the book so I can learn the new words? If I remember correctly, this is what my ears heard from your mouth: " Her voice even became grimmer as she repeated the exact words that she had heard from Raina's mouth earlier.

"Yes! Yes!" Raina exclaimed, clenching the side of the chair with her hand and reasoning, "You have already seen that this book, really has so many hard words. Which is really tough for a person like me to understand. "

"I really didn't lie to you at all, Minella. Trust me."

"I didn't bring that book for just amusement at all."

"You...!" Minella's eyes gleamed as an insuppressible fire raged inside her body.

"And here I thought she was literally trying to learn something." The frown of irritation started to flicker around the corner of Minella's eyes.

'When she recites the story, she speaks dramatically while describing the scenario of the story. It's amazing to hear the story presented in that way, but if I told her, she would definitely kill me.' As Raina thought, she softly gloated, 'I can't tell her that, after all, I love my life.'

Her mouth left an awkward voice coated in honey as she speak. "That is because you are a good speaker Minella and I like your voice when you recite the story."

"Is that so?" Minella simpered looking amused at the situation.

Raina asserted vehemently, "That's true."

"Do you think that I am a fool?" As she spoke, Minella's expression became blank and she threw a strong fist at Raina.

Minella shouted, "Come here," just as she was about to catch Raina.

Raina was about to get into the grip of Minella when the clock on the wall rang. Once it rang, both of them shifted their attention to the clock.

It shows 3 p.m.

As soon as Raina found Minella's attention shifted. She quickly ran away, pushing the chair towards Minella, and said while running. "Break time is over. Now it's time to get back to work."

"You can no longer punish me in any way. Bye-bye, my sweet little sister." Raina huffed as she leave the place.

All of a sudden, there was a sudden break of silence inside the Hall with Minella left alone.

"She is really... I really can't understand when she will actually grow up. She sometimes really overdoes it, but I don't mind her being that way at all." Looking towards the trail of Raina, Minella exhaled in disappointment as a soft grin flickered on her face."I guess this is her way of cheering me up as a big sister while we are struggling here."

Minella said blankly, "I should resume my search now that I have some peace," staring at the sky outside the window of the library.