.What a rare sight...

"My my, what do we have here?" A mocking voice speaks with sarcasm.

As Raine pulled her head up, she found the person's voice coming across the window. As she paid attention, she found that the person was floating in the sky, bearing a cloak from head to toe.

That person can be identified as a man based on his voice. Even the person wearing the black cloak, which is typically worn by men.

With a mocking smirk, he said, "The kingdom of Moon Goddess Phena is blessed with the presence of the werewolf, which is a rare sight." and huffed as he approached the door.

Raina's eyes didn't hallucinate; he was actually floating in the air. He got himself inside while floating. The frown between her eyes becomes deeper as her stare becomes straight.

Raina asked again as she became frightened a little with the presence of him, "I asked, who the hell are you?"All of her attention was on the light, which was encircling Minella like a net and grabbing her firmly. She was worried about Minella's safety and feared that the person who had just arrived out of nowhere might do something wrong to Minella.

She dragged herself up, holding herself away from the ground with her hand, protecting Minella as she moved in front of her. She stood in front of her, displaying her back to Minella while acting as her shield.

In addition, Minella, who was being held tightly like a prisoner behind her by the light-based net, was growling like an animal.

As she stood in front of Minella, like a shield, the man in front of Raina became astonished and asked, "Hey, what the hell are you doing?"

"It is dangerous."

Raina glared angrily and repeated, "I ask what the heck are you and what you did to my sister," in a low but enraged voice.

He heard Raina's question and tilted his head in confusion and snuck a peek at both at once.

"So she is your sister?" he asked, puzzled, adding, "But you seem fine in the moonlight," as he rubbed his hand over his face.

He had black hair, which was covered with the cloak he was wearing, and his eyes were showing the same color, like jewel blue, which is the color Minella's eyes have.

His hands were covered with gloves, which were also black.

There was a large stone ring in his hand, and it was shining green, and that same green light was rounding the Minella.

"You don't have to be cautious around me at all", he said, clearing his throat as he felt intimidated by Raina's furious look. He stroked the back of his head and said, "I am here to help," in a reluctant tone.

"You ask me to trust you ?" Raina's gaze flared with anger and she sternly asked, "How can I trust a stranger who appears from nowhere?" with her hand stretched in the air as if it was shielding Minella.

"You are not normal like everyone else," she screams, exhaling her entire breath.

While she was standing in front of Minella, her legs were shaky since she was losing blood and thus strength. However, her will to save Minella kept her standing firmly in front of him.

She argued as she shouted, "I saw you flying only a moment ago," adding, "As not only that, you also did something to my sister," as Raina stepped back near her and she was shielding Minella.

She had a solid grip on herself. Her tone had a victim's accent to it.

That guy smirks awkwardly as he speaks, "I didn't harm your sister."

The scene left him feeling incredibly perplexed. For the first time in a very long time, he experienced these emotions. It was quite difficult for him to accept that someone was acting hostile toward him.

"Wait, let me introduce myself." He softly clears his throat, taking a few steps back as he speaks.

"My name is Rufus, and I am a wizard ."

"I was working in my tower on something. But my eyes found something as I looked around the stars. It was some anomalies around it that had never been seen over the century at all. " So to clear my suspicion, I followed the trails of a star, and that star led me here. " He calmly explains as he speaks, and then, with the horas voice, he claims, "I can help you trust me. Please let me do my work."

"Trust you?" Raina huffed angrily, "Do you think I am a fool?" and wrinkled her face as she added further, "This Anthia kingdom doesn't have anything like wizards or wizard towers at all."

"There is a death penalty for people who have the potential for magic."

'Oh, so she knows the kingdom's secrets, and here I thought she was just a commoner who dressed as a maid.'

'Someone said it right. Looks can be deceiving.'

He says in a devious voice, "Smart! Aren't you?" and then laughs.

"Let me guess you have the ability to read right," he said, narrowing his eyes as he pretended to guess.

Raina's eyes tremble in fear. She realizes she spilled her deepest secret in front of the stranger she just met in the heat of the moment.

Her face was now completely hidden by a glum frown.

"Wow," smiled Rufus in a wicked tone.

"Since you said that wizards are subject to the death penalty, I suppose you are aware that commoners who possess the ability to read and write are also subject to the death penalty." As he saw Raina's reaction, he was thrilled with excitement.

She knew he was right and the information she spoke couldn't be known by a normal person, which is why she was clenching her teeth very hard.

Rufus smiles broadly at Raina's look and moves into the room slowly while maintaining a composed demeanor. He sat down on the bed just in front of Raina while putting one leg on the other. "But you really don't know everything about this kingdom at all, trust me.", he said, leaning back a little and using one hand to support himself. His face shows a very big smile after he finishes.

Raina remarked while grinding her teeth, "I am aware that I don't know a lot about this kingdom. but I have enough knowledge to get through the day."

"Then you might know if your sister's appearance stays the same, then what will happen to you." As he spoke, his face started to go blank.

Additionally something bleak was lurking in his eyes as well.

Raina knew what he was talking about. Her eyes were filled with an unspeakable terror, which caused her to involuntarily cast a glance Minella's way. She grasped her hand firmly while saying, "I know, both of us will be executed at once," gazing at her with adoring eyes that were filled with the yearning for Minella's safety. Even as she talked, her voice began to stutter slightly.

"I don't care about my life at all, but I can't bear the thought of anything happening to Minella. While turning her face towards Rufus, she speaks at once.

Her face was really twisted with the bitterness of rage, while her eyes were filled with compassion.

All of this struck Rufus as being utterly absurd. He had only ever seen human animosity for supernatural beings like werewolves and wizards throughout his life. He never considered the possibility that some individuals might have a deep love for these creatures and be prepared to make sacrifices for them. He was becoming increasingly irritated by such affection and compassion. His gaze even turned to Raina's hand, which was plainly marked by deep, visible wolf nails. However,  instead of worrying about her wound, her attention was focused on her sister.

And the sister she was protecting was not simple at all. Even though her body had not yet changed into a wolf, her appearance had changed into the animal, with a long canine and so much hair all over her body; however, even after these changes, her body still appears to be human. And not only that, there was something strange with her aura that Rufus was sensing from her. Her aura was very different from all the people he had met.

Rufus huffed in frustration. "I really don't understand humans at all."

Don't worry, I am not someone who enjoys killing people, he groaned, picking up a handkerchief from his body and moving slightly in her direction.

"Trust me, I can save your sister," he said while grinning broadly as he gave Raina the handkerchief.

He implores her with his hand in the sign, "Just give me a few moments and your sister will be OK, like before."

Raina was still apprehensive, but she wanted her sister to be okay, so she took a handkerchief from his hand and warned him, "Okay, I'll give you a chance, but if anything happens to her, you don't even think about leaving this place in one piece."

She moved onto the other bed and took a seat. Her hand continued to bleed heavily and unabated.