.Your sister is different

She picked up the herb from the floor and bluntly asked, "I really don't understand why these herbs can be lethal for Minella. Aren't these herbs painkillers and clot removers?"

"Yes, it is, but for the bodies of normal people." After giving a direct response, Rufus entered the room, stood next to Minella's bed, and stated, "Not for the person like your sister. Your sister's body is not normal like others." His gaze was strangely drawn to the patches of clot that covered Minella's body.

He sat down, pulling the chair from the side, saying, "Don't tell me you don't have a clue about it all."

Raina's forehead is beginning to crease as a result of the tension on her face. She unintentionally reached out and grabbed her dress. Given the aspect of Minella she witnessed last night, which she could never have imagined earlier in her life, she does concede that at least some of what he was saying was accurate. Raina was not terrified by Minella's transformation in the previous night's scene. But Raina was terrified since she was powerless to intervene when Minella began to change. She was terrified because the thought of losing her sister was unbearable in her mind.

"I have some doubts..."Raina said in a voice that was faltering from contemplation.

While attentively listening, Rufus asked, "Doubt?" With a slight chuckle, he said, "So you do pay a lot of attention to your sister."

Even though Rufus was there to help, the way he was talking was really irritating and somewhat filled with mocking, which was good enough to put oil in the fire. which boils Raina every time she hears him talking, but she shifts her focus on Minella in order to calm her thoughts . Her thoughts were already anxious because of Minella's conditions, so she was reminded of Minella's body as she got her sight again as she turned her head away from him.

"But she has so many patches and she is still unconscious."

He immediately retorted as Raina asked a question, "Don't get angry, but those patches on her body are because of you."

As those words left his mouth, Raina felt a sudden silent gust of wind, and for a brief moment, she went grimly cold as she sent him a bewildered glance.

She asked with a hesitant but forced voice, "Those are because of me."

Her face became grim after hearing his words, and she staggered a little and held the table beside the bed in order to support herself. While her gaze was fixed on the floor, she suddenly remembered the screaming face of Minella.

She lifted her face abruptly and asked, "Is it because when she was screaming from pain I fed her some painkiller herb earlier in the night?" with eyes filled with guilt.

"You guessed it right," pointing his finger out with a blunt face, Rufus replied.

"So this is my fault after all." She clumps her clothes near her chest as she whispers in a daze.

With eyes that were on the verge of tears due to remorse, she asked, "What exactly do these herbs do to Minella's body? Why don't they help her?"

"Your sister's body is not normal at all. You might have already seen the scene from yesterday night." A chilling tension started to lurk on his face as he said those words while leaning forward on his hand as his hand was resting on his legs.

Raian was lost in a daze after hearing his words. She always had a hunch that Minella was different when she first saw Minella in her house where she used to live with her mother. When Minella came to their house with the mother, she was quite pale and unconscious even though she was just a small child.

Even back then, she looked like she might die at any moment, which is why her mother always remained worried about Minella and usually spent most of the night sleeping beside her. Even back then, when Minella entered their house, Raina always wanted to play with her because Minella really looked like a doll back then. But Raina's mother told her that Minella is sick and it will take some time to get her better.

Raina never bothered her at that time and waited for her to recover because Raina was really happy with the fact that she got a new sister in the house to play with and she was so cute.

Raina wished for Minella's fast recovery so that she could play with her. But even after Minella recovers from her illness after a few months, she still shows strange behavior. Minella usually stays in her room and doesn't speak much, which is why Raina usually visits her room with different toys every day from her toy collection, in the hope that someday Minella might like the toy that Raina brings over to her room.

Raina's plan actually worked, although it was not the toy that made Minella speak to Raina but the book, which Raina brought accidently to Minella's room with the pile of toys mistakenly. Because of that mistake, Minella opened her heart to Raina and spoke to her for the first time. At that time, Raina realized that, like Minella's face, Minella's voice was also very cute. They talked about the book all day because Raina didn't want to leave Minella's side, but Minella became ill again at night, which made Raina scared because she thought Minella had become ill again because of her. Raina even started crying because of that, but her mother told her it was not her fault but because Minella's body is different.

Raina is unsure what her mother meant at the time, but after seeing Minella turn, she mutters in a stupor, "I think mother might know something about these changes regarding Minella's body for sure."

Because Minella usually becomes ill frequently in the past, and whenever that happens, Raina's mother usually stays beside her to look after her until she gets better.

"As I recall the events of the past, I do remember even though Minella got severely ill, I never saw my mother bring any kind of herb to Minella, nor did she ask any worker in our house to grind the herb for Minella in the kitchen. But I fed her herbs last night when she was in pain. Then what exactly do these herbs do to Minella's body? " With eyes full of despair, she shot Rufus a look pleading for an explanation.

"I know what your eyes are desperately asking," he replied, taking a stroll in the room and standing beside Minella as he said, "I can't tell you details, but the way your sister's body changes might be related to the thing that your sister  possess wolf blood her veins, which is why she changed last night because yesterday was full moon night and wolf blood reacts to the light of the moon."

"Now that you bring it up, I think I remember something", Raina exclaims as she grabs Minella's hand.

"When we used to live with Mother, Minella often used to become sick on around the full moon night, but as far as I remember, I never saw her change into anything different at all," she said while sitting near her bed and stroking Minella's hand.

She added, "She used to just get sick, which was generally a high fever.

"The time you are mentioning, when was it?" As he sat in front of her, Rufus questioned with an incredulous expression.

She was perplexed by his unexpected query and muttered, "It was around six years ago, when Minella was twelve," in response.

"She was a child, so her body is preparing for the change, but it won't happen until the right time, at which point a reaction will take place." He calmly described the situation.

"why does it sound something like women's mensuration cycle?"Raina frequently asked.

So, slightly coughing in amazement, he asked, "so you relate it that way?"

So, he coughed a little in shock and said, "So you relate it that way?"

It occurred to Raina that she had said something embarrassing in front of him. Unable to retract her remarks, she said, "It appears fairly similar to me," while somewhat averting her eyes from his.

She asked a different question to change the subject because she merely wished to fix her error and lift the uneasy movement, "but you didn't tell me why her body is reacting to the medicine. Isn't her body human, so what medicine is not working on her?"

Rufus already noticed the flushed red ears of her, which was happening because of embarrassing words from her mouth, but he ignored them while slightly smiling as he replied, "she is human but her body not only has werewolf blood but there is another blood running through her vein too."

Raina's eyes widened as she heard his answers and immediately inquired, "What type of blood is this?"

He fluttered his eyes towards Raina, giving a devilish smile, and said, "I think you've already sensed that similarity between her and me?" Don't you? "

Raina thought to herself, 'What is this guy talking about now? What kind of similarity do he and she have? She is completely different from this so-called narcessist.'

But all of a sudden she remembers something and exclaims, "the eyes!"

"You have the same eyes as her."