.I can help her...

Raina's attention was focused on the Minella, which is why her eyes failed to notice the tender gaze of Rufus, who was continuously watching her face without flinching away from her. Even as she broke into tears and his hand inadvertently lifted into the air to pet her, he whispered, "You don't have to worry about her," stopping it in the midst of the air.

After saying that, he cast magic on Minella and said, "Hold her upside down on the bed with her face facing down and put that bowl in here."

Raina checked her emotions and became puzzled after hearing him, but the posture he was asking to make with Minella's body made Raina understand instantly and she lift Minella's body and turn her face down from her bed.

Rufus then finished enchanting the magic spell, and as he did so, Minella vomited blood into the bowl while she was still unconscious.

Raina wiped Minella's mouth after Minella vomited all the stuff from her stomach and laid her straight, putting the pillow below her nose.

"Now I have made her vomit all the herbs from her body. I guess she will get healed soon and wake up." Casting a final enchantment on Minella, Rufus said to Raina.

He was really holding himself hard with his emotions so as to not show her her gentle side to Raina because he wanted to confirm first why his emotions fluctuated so much just seeing Raina's face.

He gathers the strength to lift his hand again and place it on Raina's shoulder to express his unidentified feelings. However, he had no idea that he would get a startling shock as soon as his palm touched Raina's flesh. He jerked back his hand while looking shocked.

'Although I did sense that she was unique, I wasn't prepared for this response when my body was only in contact with a little section of her body. What is it with these two sisters? One of them is a mixed breed and the other one is unknown. It looks like I need to do some research into their origin now for sure.' He thought as he gave unwavering look to Raina.

Raina shivered suddenly as a result of feeling Rufus' hand on her body and turned to face him. But as soon as she caught a glimpse of his features, she felt a little lost. He seemed to be casting a skeptical glance her way at first, but as soon as their eyes met, a smile appeared on his face.

"She will soon awaken."  The slight smile gave way to a serious expression as he turned to face Minella and added, "Last night's change was not at all a one-time transformation. "You need to be ready to get this view every month on the full moon night. "

She asked with a bewildered expression, "What are you saying?" ignoring his dubious expression because her focus was on the word that came out of his mouth." She was relieved that Minella had been cured and would no longer experience pain, but he then stood in front of her and informed her that the incident would continue till the end of her life. She cried out in fear and anxiety, "Didn't you cure her then why?"

"I think you have misunderstood something. I didn't cure her, but I suppressed her transformation for the time being, which means it is still there in her blood. No one in the world can take away the legacy of the blood which has been granted from birth," Rufus replied in one breath after seeing her fluttering lips in dread.

"So you're saying Minella will endure the same pain every full moon night starting this month?" Raina questioned while sneezing angrily and gritting her teeth. As he turned to face Minella, she suddenly felt her body trembling under an unidentified pressure.

She glanced at Rufus with fluttering eyes, but her lips simply trembled and nothing came out of her mouth. She was at a loss for what to ask and plead at this point. She was feeling helpless.

Rufus said, pulling out some vials from his cloak, "You do not have to worry about her transformation. I have a cure for her." after suddenly feeling a pain in his chest at the sight of her tearful face.

He gave the bottle to Raina's hand while saying, "I can help her with controlling her transformation with the help of this medicine."

Hearing the word medicine Raina's eyes widened and she gave a strange look to Rufus' face while she opened her mouth to ask.

Rufus quietly inhaled as he said, "These are not herbal medicines, so please rest assured for a better result," cutting her off before she could speak.

Raina becomes puzzled by his explanation. She was following him to the point that medicine was bad for Minella. And now when she understood his explanation, he offered another medicine, which made her face wrinkle in confusion.

She questioned, "If these are not then what are these? And how can you be sure?" with suspicious eyes.

She glared at Rufus, which slightly frightened him. He at least understood one point that Minella has a very soft spot in her heart and she can't handle even the slightest pain inflicted on Minella. He said sweetly, "These medicines are made from the magic which will not counter-react in her body and work along with her wizard blood," while giving his side face a gentle scruff.

Magic is something Raina reads about in the novels she loves to read, but having medicine made from magic is something she has never even found in any book. She had never before heard of any magic-based medications. As a result, she feels hesitant to seek his aid because Minella's safety is her first concern.

"Is this the cure created with magic", she asked, her brows furrowed. "I had never heard of anything like this before."

"You never meet the wizard, either," Rufus said in response to her remark.

Raina glared at him after hearing his words. Her eyes were filled with anger. she was not in the mood for a joke, which made him startle slightly. "I made this medicine with my power," he replied, clearing his throat, "and it can balance her body fluctuation." But there is a problem with these. Because I create these medicines with my power, it takes lots of energy from my body to create the medicine, which is why I can create only a few bottles at a time in a month. She needs to get this medicine delivered to her now and then in between months before the full moon."