.Now I think I should do more contemplating about my generosity.

"One more thing !" Before leaving the room, Rufus placed a little box in Raina's hand and said, "Here, take this. You can give this to your sister if the time ever comes when her transformation starts and you are without medicine. In the meantime, you can come to me. The thing inside the box will stop her change for a while, but keep in mind that this remedy inside the box only temporarily relieves the discomfort; after two or three hours, her appearance will return. This will give you some time to find me."

After curing Minella, before disappearing On that night, one year ago, Rufus gave Riana the tiny shining box.

Raina shifted her gaze to inquire, but Rufus had already left, so she placed the box somewhere safe and had forgotten about its existence after receiving it. because she never felt the urgent use of that box, she never opened it or looked inside the box either.

She never thought that after one year she would need that box all of a sudden because of the same problems that are roaming around Minella.

As Raina moves towards her bed and opens the box containing her clothes, as she shifts her eyes in perplexity. She quickly searches through her wardrobe before shouting, "Here it is!"

She held a wooden box in her hand, which she opened right away.  After opening it, she realizes that she never got the chance to ask about the thing in her hand from Rufus.

She offered it to Minella, and reluctantly replied, "I never had an opportunity to inquire about this object, but he indicated that it will at least give you a few moments before the change."

Even before listening clearly, Minella grabbed the box from the hand of Raina and said, "That will do the thing." She opened the box instantly. She found another box inside of it, which made her frown in amazement, but she ignored herself and opened the second box.

As the box opened, Raina's eyes widened after seeing what was inside. She quickly walked towards the Minella and asked, "Is this pill?"

There was a small pill inside the other box, which Minella opened. Not only was the pill glowing like a light, Raina's eyes were strangely following the light that was coming from the pill, but she became all of sudden startled. Because Minella popped the pill into her mouth without hesitation.

Seeing that Raina exclaimed, "Minella!"

After swallowing through her gut, Minella responded to Raina's scream, "What?" Her face was not even showing any emotion at all, while Raina's face was all terrified with fear.

Even her jaw dropped open while seeing Minella taking that pill.

After signing silently, Minella replied, "This pill was given by Rufus, right? If you can blindly trust the medicine he gives me all this time without a doubt, then why are you having distrust regarding this pill? "

Removing her blanket from her legs Minella put her legs on the floor while remaining seated on the bed and said, "Just close the mouth of yours. You might invite bugs inside it. "

Raina was really seeing something new in Minella's behavior. She'd never seen Minella act like this before. But she ignored it because she was startled right now by Minella's attempt to stand up from her bed.

"You! What are you trying to do? " Raina asked, shocked as she ran beside Minella.

"What do you think I am doing?" Minella snapped angrily. Even though she had taken medicine, the pain didn't disappear instantly. She even felt her head throbbing like hell as if it was going to burst open. "I am going outside." Minella forces the pressure on her legs as she stands up from her bed.

"No Minella, you..." grabbing Minella's shoulder  Raina attempted to speak with broken words, "Let me..." but she stopped her attempt as she saw Minella.

Staring with chilling eyes, Minella shrugs off her arm  saying, "Are you being dumb or do you like to boil my blood?"

Recoiling her hand in displeasure, Raina whispered, "No, that's not, I am."

When Minella notices Raina's sour expression, she quickly understands that her pain-induced rage has caused her to act out too much. Raina was merely attempting to help her, therefore she cannot violently throw a fit in her face. She exhaled silently as she gave pity to herself.

Minella glances at Raina earnestly after settling herself down. Minella talks softly because she knows that all she needs to do first is soothe Raina "First things first, Raina, just calm down. I am fine and nothing is going to happen to me. So please just don't get worked up over anything. "

"You know your sister." Minella remarked, "I am not that weak," with a sly look.

Minella winked slightly with a sweet smile and said, "I can handle anything." and scurried towards her as she snuggled Raina slightly in her embrace.

In an attempt to appear innocent as she demanded cutely, Minella even began to brush her face over Raina's shoulders, "Sicilian is still waiting outside. You can't make her wait indefinitely. Just go with her while further wasting time. You simply need to act normal in order to avoid suspicion and to follow that maid."

When Raina saw Minella acting so adorable, her thoughts went blank, and she nodded in accord with what she was saying.

Minella said with an annoyed smirk, "Meanwhile, I will go out and beat the shit out of that stupid magician for forgetting to deliver the medicine. How dare he forget to deliver? " Even though she was grinning, there was a sign of irritation in her tone.

Minella's sudden sarcasm choked Raina a little as she heard Minella's words. But she blinks her eyes without responding because she was distracted by Minella's cute act.

"Just trust me please!" Minella clutches Raina's hand while pleading with a conflicted expression in an attempt to coax her into giving in.

Although Raina is aware of Minella's intentions, she ultimately succumbs to her cutesy behavior and gives up.

'I really can't understand why she is so cute.'  As she cleared her throat, Raina mused to herself. She then suddenly added, while casting a serious expression, "You have to promise me you won't let anything happen to you. I want you to come back safe and sound to me. Only then will I agree with you. "

For how long are you going to treat me like a kid? Gosh, this sister of mine is really so adorable and kind. I can't even bring myself to disagree with her.

Casting a glance with a warm smirk, Minella replied, "Okay, I will take care of myself.  You will find the same Minella in front of you. "

She turns around to grab her cloak as she watches Raina walk towards the door. She became relieved that at least Raina was out of her mess and she could take care of her shit herself.

She raised her arm in the air and put the cloak on her body. She quickly tugged the ribbon around her cloak, all the sides, when she heard Raina's voice again.

"You're really not going to beat him, right?" Grabbing the knob of the door before opening it, Raina asked with hesitation. Her face was really filled with a worried expression.

Minella, after hearing it, first of all, becomes shocked. For a moment, she gives a blank stare at her, then all of a sudden she bursts out in laughter. It was really sarcastic.

Minella stopped laughing after seeing Raina pouting hard and said, "My sister is getting worried about someone else." as she cleared her throat because she realized she really did laugh hard all of a sudden, which made her throat go sore.

She coughed a few times silently as she rubbed her nose and said with a mocking smile, "This is troubling Raina. Now I think I should do more contemplating about my generosity."