.The truth about the magic stone.

"You trafficked!" Rollace's ear is pierced by a frigid sound filled with murderous intent. As Rollce raised his head to the voice, he noticed Rizik's visage, which had been at least smiling earlier, now giving out deadly sensations.

He remembered a time when he had exactly the same expression as the one he saw in front of him.


Back in the time around twenty-five years ago, There was a ceremony in which coronation for the new nobility was organized.

This was the time when Rollace saw his father again after becoming an adult alone. At the time when Rollace was the knight of the kingdom, The moment he saw his father, the moment he realized that even just the look of a person can make someone disgusted from the core that they just want to puke. . He was staring blankly at the location where his so-called father stood. He struggled to keep his face and anger from erupting from somewhere deep within his terror.