.Why all of us is here?

Minella opened her eyes in the darkroom again. As her eyes get the proper view she finds the medieval-style arch crafted in the ceiling.


  that's the first thing she thought of.

'How many times  I will be awarded to have the pleasure to open my eyes to look at an unknown ceiling,  in a day. 

She exhales with an awkward grin on her face.

  This was the second time when she opened her eyes in such a manner. 

Her vision started to wander around the place to get the proper view.

As far as can see, only darkness was visible through her eyes.

'What time it is? '

She grabbed the blanket tightly and gave up thinking with a short breath

She flung her blanket away from her body and slowly started to walk down from the bed.

"What is this..?"

As she walks down she felt some breadth around her hand.

Her face become wrinkled with astonishment as she discovered the place was not empty at all.