.You have arrived!

No no no! she scream as she pushed the people from the crowd, when she make herself dissapper  in front of that unknown person, roughly  stumbling as they gave way. she barely caught herself from falling entirely to the ground again. she started to feel that her body now started to feel way more heavier than before, not only her head but her foot started to feel heavy.Her disgusted expression covered her entire face. If she had a sword, she could have killed every maid standing there.

"You have arrived, Your highness. We had been anticipating your arrival." A royal guard from the guarding premise appears and bows down to greet her.

But she paid no attention to their greetings. Her entire attention was drawn to the maids who were dressed up and standing in the rows in front of her. She had sharp nails in her hand.

And her hand was piercing the face she was holding in her hand because she was applying force to it.