.How do you know me?

Since then the kingdom of anthia become the subordinate of kingdom xandria and allow it's hegemony over them.

Kingdom of xandria  Only pose three condition which was , first thing is force on it the banishment of the use rubella... And any future use of rubella will be illegal and whoever found having possessed that item will be subject of high punishment.

After the issuance of the decree.. rubella become the. Forbidden item in the kingdom..

But there was other conditions too

Second was.. in every ten year they will be greeting the kingdom of anthia with their envoy and ten boxes of gold will be given them from the kingdom of anthia on their returns as war reparations.

An the third and last one because of which I guess rumors in the kingdom started... Which was 

Third.. also their should be ten maidan send by the kingdom of anthia to the kingdom of xandria on their way back as the gift from the kingdom.