.should I tell you the truth

"someone said that feeling pain means you are alive but is living with pain every day even while sleeping and waking is living? wouldn't death be more pleasant the life?"YinLan became numb with that thought. now she feels that her emotions were fading away from her body slowly.

she silent whispered,"

She swallowed hard

The mixture of her groan and her curse came out from their intertwined lips. She fought so valiantly, resembling a carp swimming fiercely in water. She dove into deep waters that were uncharted terrain that she was unable to identify.

" No.. am asking .. how you are unhurt ... It can kill you and it's stink contain poison , it's fastest..., And catches it's prey , no matter what .."his words was being coucious this time and stopping often..

Hearing him she replied with little chuckle...