.What kind of fun event?

"What really ?" "What kind of fun event happened?"

"Why don't you ask Megan? Megan will explain to you better."

"don't you megan." Ella smirk cunningly looking towards megan.

Megan face was reeking the stench of fear.

She tumble as she talk"what. What do you mean."

She asked with her staggering voice as she was looking towards minella.

"I really don't know what are they talking about minella."

Minella eyes fall on ella and violla and then soon return back to megan.

' I think they are trying to do something, but I guess  I am not their target.'

'their main target is megan.'

' but why , what did she do to offend them .'

Minella eyes were not content at all  around .

She felt somesort of comtempt in their action, like they were trying to reveal something.

'did megan do something.'

'no ! their question involves me.'

'then did megan said something about me?'