Chapter Seventeen

Climbing in my bed, all I wanted to do was sleep. Tomorrow I will have school and I will have to see Trey. I hope everything will run smoothly.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, self soothing. Before I knew it I was in that windowless room. I was left alone with the killer. One who promised me that he would rip my head from my body. This time the agents left him unchained. As soon as the lights came back on he grabbed me. I sent him terrorizing vibes. I sent fear to him. I didn't open my mouth once. Next thing that happens is what happened before. He kills himself; I waited for Jackson to storm in the room to get me but he never does. Instead I'm sent to a soft padded room and told this is for the safety of everyone else. I woke up screaming!

I must not have woken up Jackson because he would have rushed in. I walked down the hall and opened his door. He was still asleep; I climbed into bed with him, which woke him up. Instead of talking, he wrapped his arms around me. I was able to fall back to peaceful sleep.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Ugh that would be the alarm. I opened my eyes and noticed I'm still in Jackson's bed and he isn't by me. I got up and headed back to my room to start getting ready. I went into my closet and grabbed my red rose print dress. Maybe this will grab Trey's attention. I curled my hair, tied my ribbon, and put on my red lipstick. I left the necklace Jax gave me on since he gave it to me. I grabbed my black sweater and bag and headed downstairs.

"JAX!" I walked towards the kitchen.

There he was sipping coffee and reading the paper. I wrapped my arms around him "Good Morning!"

"Indie, it's cold out. Are you going to walk or do you want to drive or I will give you a ride?" he asked, truly concerned.

I smiled "Would you mind taking me to school. Unless you wouldn't want to."

He laughed as he grabbed his keys. The drive was quiet until he accidently touched me. It was like shock waves and I think the feeling was the same for him.

"Jax, let me out down here. I will walk from here." I said as we were less than a block from the school.

He nodded but I'm sure I saw a glimpse of a frown on his face.

As I went into school I noticed Trey standing by my locker. He spent my whole walk to my locker; eyeing every inch of my body. I looked at him and smiled; I watched his expression change.

"Hello Trey!" I said as I batted my lashes at him.

He kissed my cheek. I glanced over to see Dom standing there with a frown. I feel bad that I might have played with Dom's feelings. I need to fix this.

Trey wrapped his arms around me and I could feel his smile. I kept thinking about my feelings. I couldn't think about hurting him here. I winced as his fingers lingered down. I started pulling out of his hands.

"So how are you feeling today, Trey?" I asked.

He smiled "Happy now you are here!" he said.

I slid my sweater off and placed it in my locker. I watch him as he noticed my bare skin. I grabbed his hand sending mellow vibes. I reached up and wiped the drool from the side of his mouth.

In my honey tone "Trey I will see you after school." I said.

With a nod he walked over to his friends. I took this time to find Dom.

When I finally found him, he looked a mess. "Dom! I have been looking everywhere for you! Do you realize running in heels is dangerous?!" I said in a tisey.

This caused him to laugh, "I wasn't hiding! I just figured I'd leave you with your boyfriend." he said.

This caused me to want to scream but instead I rolled my eyes. "Dom, give me your hand." I demanded.

He was puzzled by this but reached out. I let my body send calming tones. I opened my mouth and in honey tones I spooned out "Dom I am not with Trey. I am not with you. We are all friends. You want to be my friend right?"

His eyes widened as he was sucking in all the information. He smiled and nodded.

I looked at him. "So you are okay right?" I questioned.

Again with a smile and a nod.

I finally went to class. Only to have Alex grab my ass. Do you realize how fast it took me to react? I grabbed his hand and snapped two fingers out of their socket. I was so enraged that I was no longer controlling my feelings. I looked into his eyes and I fed him fear. His greatest fear was what was trickling from my fingertips into his. He tried to close his eyes and tried to forget this but it wasn't that simple. I lessened the fear and looked into his eyes.

I whispered "If I ever feel your hand on me again, that panic you feel it will be real. You also won't even have a hand ."

I smiled and left him feeling in a buzz. Finally class started and no one even noticed Alex was injured or that I did it.

Classes went by and I started feeling sick. I went to the nurse's office. She said she would call my brother but I told her I would be fine walking home. She agreed and I signed myself out. I walked home. I started to feel really sick. I was happy to reach home. As soon as I walked through the door, I started to feel a bit dizzy and I fell over right there. My head was pounding and my heart was racing.