Chapter 74 Lisa Turns Chibi Size

'This girl is scary…'

"Alright. Let us begin. Please go close to her and lay beside her while I draw the other formation".

Wu Mei undoubtedly followed his instructions and laid down at the center of a magic circle bordered with some unknown symbols. When she did, Dijin bent low and added more symbols to the ones he had previously written.

When he was through writing, he asked Wu Mei to hold Lisa's hands and close her eyes.

" You'll need to bring yourself to a calm state. Your mind, your body... Everything needs to be serene to begin". He instructed her

Wu Mei breathed in slowly. Staying calm didn't pose a problem to her and meditating helped her to achieve that. In fact, she usually did meditations to keep herself from getting too emotional, it was also her way of staying mentally balanced

As Wu Mei's entire body began to relax, the symbols around her started glowing magically. Dijin's mouth went ajar in shock...