Chapter 131 Imperial City

"I'm doing well, Uncle and Aunty. I just need to get some medication, and then everything will be fine ". Miss Meng displayed signs of being flustered and waved her hands around. She shrieked out in agony all of a sudden.

"You are not fine!! Who did this to you? Please enlighten me! ".

Miss Meng gave the impression that she was struggling internally but continued to make the statement.

"Aunty, Uncle, if I tell you, don't scold Brother Huo, okay? "

"Could it be because of Huo Yan? That scoundrel of a child! He has reached an extreme! ". Mr. Huo pronounced a curse on his own son.

"Uncle, he is not to blame for my current state of affairs. Brother Huo is completely in the dark about all of this ". As Miss Meng elaborated, she appeared to be experiencing some anxiety.