Chapter 149 Creator of The Grandmaster

"I was unable to fall asleep, so I decided to go outside and look at the stars instead. You should come see the night sky because it is so much more clear here than it is at my house." The beginning of Wu Jing. As she gazed up at the splendor and sparkle of the stars, she couldn't help but wear a smile on her face.

"Wu Mei... You probably have no idea how much I appreciate everything you've done for me."

"Grateful? What exactly are you referring to here?" Wu Mei made a small cocking motion with her head. What Wu Jing was saying was beyond her comprehension.

"I would not be able to stand here with you today if you had not given me the strength to break away from my problems." 

"I used to feel such intense shame about who I was, and I constantly put myself down. I would not have been able to get away from my problems if it weren't for the words that you had spoken to me back then." Wu Jing continued.