Chapter 157 Amateur

"Ran said so? That's strange. First, let me see if I can reach her via phone." Wu Mei dialled her phone.

"The number you have dialled is not reachable at this time. Please try again or leave a voice message. Thank you." The robotic response that she received from the phone rang in her ears. 

A sensation of dread settled around Wu Mei, yet she knew that night would eventually bring darkness. 

She jumped up from her bed and moved hastily in the direction of the opposite side of her room. She then dialled Rose's number after getting the same response when she tried to phoned Ran's number on a different phone. 

It took Rose only two rings before she picked up the phone.

"Rose, have you been in contact with Ran? I'm attempting to call her right now, but the call isn't going through." Even though Wu Mei was in a state of terror, her voice remained calm.