Chapter 162 You Are Nothing But A Worm

The host went through each of the competition rules one by one and responded to the audience's inquiries in a very straightforward manner.

"At this time, we are going to start the tournament. Please step up to the podium, everyone of you who have been chosen to represent your school."

They all got to their feet and filed in to take positions behind the buzzer. If any of them knew the solution, they would press the button on the panel. Anyone who hit the buzzer before anyone else would be the one to give the answer.

"This is the first question; kindly read it all the way through and then give your responses. You have just one minute."

After the question was displayed on the projector, everyone became anxious.

"This is not difficult at all." They said to themselves but Wu Mei understood that it could not possibly be so straightforward. They must be missing something obvious, because the context makes it clear that there is.