
There is a small leash hanging out from the belt which is tied across my hands. The mean girl catches the leash and pulls it to make me move. I can't see anything in front of me, because of the tears.

My hands are completely numb with pain and my ears are ringing due to the blood rush. Every time she pulls on the leash, my muscles are torn from inside and dragged by the thorn piercing the skin. My legs give out soon, but I manage to stay on foot as this is the time I need to be very strong, for my parents.

She is taking me somewhere. As soon as we come out of the room where I stayed, we entered the corridor of ground floor. This mansion is so big from outside. There is a very big lawn filled with flowers and water fountain. Why must everything be so serene when I'm about to die? I wish I come out of this vicious cycle of death trap.

"Ugh". I sigh loudly.

To be frank, after I was brought here this is the first time I'm allowed to come out. The hippie woman Evelyn advised me not to go anywhere until I heal completely. I obeyed her and stayed in room for the past few days. I also practiced the exercises which she taught me to strengthen myself soon. All is vain now as the muscles that I strengthened are torn to pieces.

But I never expected that the first time I come out of that hospital room will be on a leash like a dog going out on a walk. What the fuck? Why am I being treated this way, all of a sudden? All these days, I felt special because of the healer who was so kind and who was always giving attention to my health and wellbeing. I also marveled at my greatest healing abilities and the new found strength coursing through my body as the vampire in me was waking up.

But now, I'm crying in pain, like the weak and pathetic person I always was, as the woman in front of me is hell bent on giving me trouble.

Once I regain some level of consciousness of my surroundings, I plead, "Where are you taking me? Please.... Let me go"

I only receive a smirk in response.

We are still traversing through the long corridor and she never slows down her pace. I struggle to keep up. At least if she isn't pulling the leash, I can somehow manage the pain. But every time she gives a tug to it, I feel like my arms are torn apart from my body. "Please.... this hurts.... Please", I shout but she completely ignores me and tugs forward with more force to make me walk faster.

The pain is extremely sharp. Its breaking me from inside out and I'm crying my eyes out. Shit! In all the vampire series I've watched, never once I've seen a vampire cry. I must be having all the strength in the world to do serious damage to this girl, break out of this torture device and drink her blood, right? Why am I the one crying and pleading? This completely sucks!

But, it's a real wonder that my body is still moving and has not given out. Maybe I'm able to enjoy only this perk as being a vampire. As Margaret said, maybe I have the ability to die and come back to life. Which is crazy!

But every time I die, it'll be a real death which means it's going to pain like now. It's not that I'm resurrected magically like an angel. I didn't know real life vampires are crappy like me. None of the things I've watched in movies happened to me so far. Well, except the fact that I really like drinking blood. But, it's not like I can't survive with human food. I must be a really weird and lousy vampire.

I sigh in frustration!

All the tears have dried up now and my body is slowly getting used to this endless pain. I guess after a point, everything becomes meaningless. Even crying seems to be tiresome for me now. I just follow quietly like a mindless machine plummeting to it's own death, as that's all I can do whether I like it or not.

"I have prepared a surprise for you, bloodsucker", she says merrily and drags me forward.

"Ahh!", I fall on the floor as my steps are getting heavy.

"Tsk....Tsk.... Get up ..... no rest stops on the way!", she says giving another forceful tug on the leash like I'm her pet dog. Why am I not able to do anything? Why am I pathetic? I really wish I can break this belt and kill this girl. What did I ever do to deserve this kind of ill treatment? Where the hell is Margaret or the Dean? He saved me, right? Does he know this girl is torturing me like this? Should I shout for his name and he'll appear miraculously to save me? I'm not even in a position to shout and even if I do, it'll be weak and feeble that nobody even in the lawn will hear it. Pathetic!

The vibration of another tug, sends jolts down my tied up hands and I literally wish I should've died by the wolf that day than to endure all this.

But, only thing that's keeping me going are my parents. Even though Margaret is not here right now, I wish to believe all that she said. This is my last and final hope. She might be wrong, I don't know, maybe I was hallucinating about my parents while taking my last breath, but it doesn't matter. If there's even a tiny ray of hope left, I will fight till I see the end.

My body is about to give up when we finally enter a dark room. As soon as we step in, dust and dirt hits my nose heavily, indicating that this room is not frequently used by people.

The woman lights up a torch from one of her pant sachet and the way in front of us comes to visibility. She pulls me forward and I stagger behind.

There is a hole in the end of the dark room, through which only one person can enter at a time. She reverses our position and kicks me to enter inside the hole. The torch is still in her hand and I can only see one step at a time.

I'm climbing down stairs. The stairs are so narrow that my shoulders are touching the side walls as I walk. She never fails to leave the leash she's holding along the way. I can feel her breath on my neck as the space is so cramped.

I don't know where she is taking me, but I get a really bad feeling about this. I initially thought that she's trying to kill me. But now I understand, thorny belt, dusty room, dark hole with stairs. I know what she's about to do to me.

It's torture! Death will be a hundred times better than torture!