Who sent you?

I turn left and right alternatively, taking a look at the prisoners hanging from ceilings with chains tied to their hands and legs. There are also prisoners who are allowed to sit, crouch or sleep on the floor with only one chain connected to their wrist.

If I had any doubts about me being a vampire, and the strange wolf event or black magic Simon pulled, then this prison clears it all. Because I see creatures who has animal head and human body or vice versa. There are even some with wings like angels or demons and another few who are completely animalistic with gnarly teeth, tail and appearance.

Some who are awake judge me with weary eyes and other few are completely unconscious. I doubt they are even alive.

This….. This is complete torture.

Isn't this supposed to be illegal? Who are these prisoners, anyway? Who is this girl who brought me here? Who is Ryan Wulfric and what is he King of? Margaret promised me these answers, but after the conversation we had, she's nowhere to be seen. Is she one of them too?

My human self feels empathy and pity for these prisoners, but my vampire self wants to devore them as soon as possible before they give up and die.

Conflicted emotions carry through me, as my mind descends towards craziness.

This blood…. Should I have to live with the stench surrounding me everyday? This is absolute hell!

But, I sigh and continue walking without another go. What is the use of me overthinking? Anyways, I'm not going to get genuine answers from anyone here.

I need to get out of this place as soon as possible. I won't be able to survive here for longer.

We suddenly come to a halt near one of the cells.

There is a handsome guy hanging from the ceiling in chains in tattered clothes. He is so handsome that I'm not able to take my eyes off of him. Pale skin and pointed chin accentuates his blood red eyes. It should be scary, but it's not. He has brown messy hair grown till the nape of his neck, which indicates that he's been here for awhile. Although he's in a very bad shape, he looks so dreamy and unrealistically beautiful.

His gaze travels across the rusted grill separating us and smirks through split and torn lips. The way he's looking at me feels like we've been friends forever. Does he know me? Before I can think any further, the mean girl removes the belt from my hand and throws me inside the empty cell.

I fall on my hands and knees hitting the cold surface.

As soon as my body hits the freezing ground, I should've shivered, which would've been the natural reaction as a human. But I feel nothing. I'm only wearing a normal jean and a t-shirt which was anyways given to me by the healer in the morning.

The girl enters the cell and grabs me by my arms which are already tattered and bloody. I wince in pain, swallowing the cry threatening to come out of me anytime.

"What the hell is your problem? Who are you people? Why are you treating me this way?", tears roll out of my eyes without my permission.

Looking at her gaze, I gulp in terror of what is to come. Am I going to be hanged like those people? Like the guy near this cell?

Without keeping me overthinking, she clears all my doubts when she brings the chain connected to the wall and tightens my hands and legs with it. The chain is very short that I can walk around the room with ease, but cannot go near the grill.

The cool metal touches the fresh wound on my arms making me giddy. But I bring back the best poker face I can, as soon as possible to not show weakness. It's becoming more and more difficult to keep up the stance.

She paces in the same room and stands in front of me holding the belt in her hand like a whip. Whereas, I'm still sitting on the cold concrete like a loser. I kind of get the feeling of what is about to happen next and cringe inside.

Oh, god! No!

"I'm overjoyed to finally look at you like this. Now tell me, you filthy low life… Who sent you here?", she asks flexing the belt in her hand.

I swallow hard and before anything happens, adrenaline fills my nerves. Maybe if I narrate what exactly happened, she'll believe me and let go…. But I told this story to Margaret already, why isn't she here? I'm scared.

"After my parents died, I came to this place because my Aunt Edith who is Marge's mom offered me to stay with their family. And then you know the rest.", I say nonchalantly.

"Who… sent… you…. here? ", she phrases each word carefully.

Why is she asking the same thing again? Is she mad?

A frown takes over my face and I earn a whip from the belt for that. My skin scalds from the tight slap and I can barely maintain a straight face.

What the fuck! Why is she beating me?

"Do you have a death wish? Tell me the truth and I'll let you go… easy as that…", she asks crouching near me, holding my chin up to face her.

Hot tears flood my cheeks from the pain I just experienced.

"I….. I was telling you the truth… Nobody sent me…. Please…. Ask Margaret… she knows….", I sob miserably and whisk my face away from her hold.

She gets up again and whips me with the belt one more time.

"Tell me, you bitch… Why are you after my king?", she shouts and whips me again like a mad person.

I sob, but take it quietly not knowing what else to do. Even if I scream or cry, she's not going to understand or leave me. Struggling seems pointless at this moment, so I keep quiet and take it all repeating the words, "I don't know" multiple times, but the torment doesn't stop. She abuses me to her satisfaction and finally gives up.

She holds my chin up once more and locks gaze with mine. "Look… The soon you accept it, the soon this will be over….", with that said, she pushes me away and leaves the room.

I see her whispering something to the guard outside and wonder what it is.