
''Alice, what is it?'' Edythe asked worryingly.

''Finally... I-I think I saw him...'' Alice muttered quietly, but everyone with their vampire senses heard her perfectly.

''Saw who?'' Jasper asked with a raised eyebrow.

''M-My partner...'' Alice murmured; her gaze still lingered towards the direction Jack left; it was like she could still see him.

Cullens were shocked.

''Are you sure?!'' Edythe asked with an anxious expression and with hope.

Alice nodded dumbly, ''I-I am not completely sure... I only saw him for a second... But I would never forget him... I have seen hundreds of visions, and this time, the vision was even stronger... And it was like my whole being told me to turn my head around, and there I saw him... Driving off with his motorcycle...''

''Kyaa!'' Edythe squealed like a little girl; she grabbed Alice's hand tightly, ''That is just like what happened with Jasper and I!''

Alice turned her head and smiled, ''R-Really?''

''HAHAHA!'' Emmett roared in laughter, ''I guess you won't stay as an eternal maiden after all. Damn, I lost the bet.''

Jasper put his hand forwards, and Emmett grudgingly gave him dozens of bills.

''Thank you.'' Jasper gave a slight smile and put the bills in his pocket.

Edythe and Rosalie rolled their eyes, but afterward, they dragged Alice away for the girl talk.

Leaving the three Cullen brothers alone.

Edward looked silent while thinking about something.

''Edward, what is it?'' Jasper asked, seeing Edward daydreaming.

Edward shook his head, ''Not sure... I am certain that I did read Alice's partner's mind... But I heard nothing except some noises of crackling...''

''Crackling? Are you sure you weren't mistaken?'' Emmett asked.

''Not sure... It was like a fire was crackling.'' Edward murmured and started strolling towards the school building, once again daydreaming.

Jasper and Emmett looked at each other with questioning gazes.

''He is getting weirder every day,'' Emmett said.

Jasper nodded and started walking towards the school building, followed by the muscular Emmett.

During the day, Alice was looking at the window, especially in the direction of a particular motel. At least she thinks she is looking in that direction because her whole being screams at her to keep looking.



''Alice!'' She flinched and turned her head; she saw Edythe's worrying gaze.

''Alice, I called your name like thousand times.''

Alice stood up, ''Hehe, sorry. Didn't hear.''

''Anyway, school is over.'' Edythe pursed her lips.

Alice giggled and grabbed Edythe's hand, ''Let's go home quick! We need to tell Carlisle and Esme!''

Edythe rolled her eyes and let the super energetic pixie drag her.

The Cullen siblings arrived at their house.

The house was majestic-looking with great architecture. It looked like a glass building with a beautiful forest surrounding the house.

Alice using her superhuman speed, entered the house first, ''Carlisle, Esme!''

''Alice?'' Esme said and left the kitchen wearing an apron.

She has a heart-shaped face with a warm, compassionate look, billows of soft caramel-colored hair, delicate eyebrows, and a small, slender figure that was less angular and more rounded compared to the rest of her family.

Alice hopped with an energetic expression; she grabbed Esme's hand tightly, ''I found him!''

''Found who?'' Esme asked and watched as the rest of the Cullens siblings entered the house.

''My partner!'' Alice said with a huge smile.

Esme gasped, but then a sound of whoosh appeared, and a man appeared next to Alice.

The man looks like a model. He has collar-length blond hair, with a height of 6'2, with a well-toned medium frame, and gentle-looking eyes.

''Is that true?'' Carlisle asked with a thoughtful face.

Alice nodded and said, ''I only saw his back... but I am confident that it was him!''

''Where did you meet him?'' Carlisle asked.

''At our school.''

Carlisle and nodded thoughtfully, ''In your visions... What kind of person he was?''

Alice smiled and put a thinking posture, ''Kind, loving, and very badass!''

Emmett chuckled while Rosalie rolled her eyes.

Esme smiled gently while Carlisle thought deeply about this, ''Is there anything else?''

Alice shook her head sadly, ''I only saw bits. I only saw his face briefly one year ago.''

''But...'' Alice said and continued, ''In almost every vision... There was a fire nearby.''

''Fire?'' Carlisle rubbed his chin, ''I am glad that you met your partner. But he is still only a human; we need to be careful with this.''

Alice looked downcast but nodded.

Edythe rubbed her head, ''Think positively; you will perhaps meet him on Monday.''

Alice's downcast face instantly disappeared, a smile which could brighter any room replaced it, ''That's right! I need to think about what to wear!'' After those words, she disappeared with inhuman speed and went to her room.

Rosalie's eyes sparkled and followed behind her.

Carlisle turned his head towards the others, ''Keep an eye on him. I am happy for Alice, but since her visions didn't tell much. We need to know what kind of person he is.''

Emmett nodded and left the room, ''I don't think it is necessary.''

Esme grabbed Carlisle's hand, ''I agree with Emmett.''

Carlisle sighed and nodded, ''I am just trying to be careful; there has been an increase of 'animal' attacks, and since he is Alice's partner, I have a feeling that he isn't ordinary.''

Esme smiled and held his hand tighter, ''Alice has been waiting for this for a long time. She hides her pain under her cheerful personality, but she can't fool me.''

Carlisle nodded, ''You are right... Sorry.'' He said and kissed her forehead.

Esme smiled and left the room, ''I am going to help Alice make the greatest first impression in the history of mankind.'' With those words, she disappeared towards Alice's bedroom.

Carlisle chuckled and was left alone with Edward and Jasper.

Edward still daydreaming with his usual weird face.

''Edward?'' Carlisle said.

Edward was woken up from his stupor, ''Yes?''

''What is on your mind?''

Jasper's mouth curved into a slight smile, ''He heard Alice's partner's thoughts and couldn't stop thinking about it.''

''Oh?'' Carlisle was curious, ''What did you hear?''

''I heard fire crackling noises; it was bizarre...'' Edward said and entered another daydreaming session.

''Fire...'' Carlisle was thoughtful; he left the room and entered his study room.


3 Days Later.

The sky started brightening up, and the usual grey sky of Forks appeared.

Jack was sitting on his bed with his messy bed hair.

His room was as same as previously; the only different thing was a bulge in his bed like someone was lying on it for 3 days and not doing anything.

That's exactly what Jack did.

He only stood up from the bed to go to the bathroom or to eat.

He is feeling slightly depressed, he basically died, and now his parents need to suffer of losing their eldest son.

Jack misses them; he even misses his annoying little sister.

But today, he finally has to leave the not so comfy bed and go to school.

''Is it weird that I miss the voice?'' Jack murmured; he chuckled and stood up, ''It's definitely weird.''

He went to the bathroom to take a shower, but it was incredibly uncomfortable; he didn't even have space to move around.

After that, he put on his favorite leather jacket, his only leather jacket, and his black jeans.

He went towards the mirror and styled his hair; who is he kidding? He did a few strokes and nodded, ''That's fine.''

Even though his hair was messy, it didn't diminish his unusual beauty. Even he feels slightly attracted while looking at the mirror, which made Jack more weirded out, and he was afraid to look at the mirror after that.

Jack took the key to his motorcycle and the keys to his apartment and left the room he had spent the last 3 days.

''Ahh...'' Jack moaned slightly after feeling the cold wind blowing at his face.

Since the voice disappeared, he has learned to be thankful for small things; enjoying nature was one of them.

He walked towards his motorcycle, which was similar as always.

Jack touched it tenderly and sat on the seat of the motorcycle.

Jack backed off slightly, turned the motorcycle towards the road, and started driving.


He took a few glances towards the sky and saw dark clouds appearing in the sky.

He sped up more and started racing towards school, but once he was only a kilometer away from the school, he saw blinking lights behind him.


Jack turned his head and saw a police car approaching.

''Perfect...'' Jack stopped the motorcycle at the side of the road and waited for the police officer.

The police officer had a mustache and curly brown hair, chocolate brown eyes. He stands about 6'0" tall and has an average build with dark brown hair.

''Young man, had any idea how fast you were going?'' The police officer said with an authoritative tone.

But Jack gasped, 'Charlie... Bella's dad?!'

''Well?'' Charlier put his hand on his waist.

Jack stood up from the seat and scratched the back of his head awkwardly, ''I am sorry, I was going to be late for school, and it is my first day.''

Charlie raised an eyebrow, ''First day? My daughter is going there as well for her first day.''

'Bella is?! Fuck sake!' Jack wanted to curse aloud, now he has to suffer the drama while he stays single and only has one option, and that is to suck his thumbs and cry.

Charlie looked thoughtful but then said, ''I will let go of this incident this time. Next time I have to inform your parents.''

Jack nodded, ''I will drive safely from now on.''

Charlie nodded and asked, ''Your name?''

''Jack Mikaelson!'' Jack said he didn't think that he had any reason to lie. Bella will find his name if her father asks her to.

Charlie nodded and noted that name, ''Drive safe.''

''Yes, sir!'' Jack saluted, which earned him a weird look from Charlie.

Jack's forehead was drenched in sweat.

He sat down on the seat of his motorcycle and started driving towards the school.

'I am only an ordinary teenager... Why do I have to suffer like this?' Jack thought and entered the school premises; he already saw a worn-out truck, definitely Bella's, and he also saw expensive-looking cars of Cullen's, but there was not a soul in sight; the yard was completely empty.

Jack parked his bike and entered the building, not aware of the intense gaze directed at him from one of the windows.


A/N: Edited, honestly it was innocent mistake, I didn't know that singer= bad, I am just googling most of the things, if you are asking ''Author, why don't you watch movies to know these things?'' My answer is bitch please, I am not planning to torture myself.