
After over an hour of driving, they reached the Cullens residence.

Jack left the car with Alice and started following behind Jasper, Edythe, and Edward.

Other Cullens were already waiting for them in the living room.

''Is everything alright?'' Carlisle asked.

''We... Have something to talk about.'' Edward said.

''Alright,'' Carlisle said after seeing Edward's serious face.

''Remember the flaming skeleton?''

Carlisle's face turned serious, ''Yes, why?''

Edward sighed— he doesn't know how to reveal the true identity of the flaming skeleton.

But Jack stepped forwards, ''It's me.''

''W-What did you say?'' Carlisle asked with widened eyes.

''It's me,'' Jack repeated.

Rosalie and Emmett widened their eyes out of shock.

Esme also couldn't believe it.

''I see...'' Carlisle said quietly.

''Why did you come here to kill them?'' Carlisle asked.

''He didn't... He doesn't have control over it.'' Alice said.

''No control...'' Carlisle was now sure that this matter was more complicated than he initially thought.

''Since when?'' Esme asked gently.

''Uhh... Not long... That night was the first time I transformed.'' Jack said.

''... How?''

''Not sure...'' Jack put his hand forwards, and smoke left his hand.

''Edward, can I have a word?'' Carlisle said.

Edward nodded and followed behind him.

Jack watched as they left.

'He will ask Edward's opinion...'

Carlisle shut down the office door and made sure that no word left this room.

''What do you think? Is he a threat?'' Carlisle asked.

Edward pondered for a moment, ''Ghost Rider is... But Jack isn't.''

''Ghost Rider?''

Edward nodded, ''It is the flaming skeleton's name.''

Carlisle nodded, ''If he can't control it... It will be difficult to predict Ghost Rider's actions.''

''Indeed... But I think Jack will learn to control it.'' Edward said with a confident expression.

''Are you sure?'' Carlisle asked.

Edward nodded, ''Ghost Rider won't be a threat towards us... But he is danger towards other vampires who don't fancy animal blood.''

''If Volturi finds out about him...''

''Volturi will want him... And if they can't control him... They will destroy him.'' Edward said with a serious expression.

Carlisle chuckled, ''If they can destroy him.''

''What do you mean?''

''You weren't here... But the Ghost Rider was like a weapon of mass destruction. I don't think we would have survived long if we fought against him.''

''Not even Jasper?''

''Not even him...''

''By the way... Bella also saw him.'' Edward suddenly said.

Carlisle sat down on his chair and sighed, ''So... What are you going to do?''

''I will tell her tomorrow.''

Carlisle nodded, ''Bella is close with the Quileute tribe.''

Edward snorted, ''I am aware... But they won't be trouble.''

''I hope so...'' Carlisle sighed and left the office with Edward.

They saw as Jack was showing his ability for Emmett, who had sparkling eyes.

''Turn into a skeleton!'' Emmett shouted.

''I can't.'' Jack sweatdropped.


Jack's eyebrow twitched.

But then they saw Carlisle and Edward returning.

''Is there anything else we should know about Ghost Rider?'' Carlisle asked.

Jack pondered, ''Not really... Except that he is mostly hunting sinners.''

Carlisle nodded.

''Should I take you home?'' Carlisle asked with a gentle smile.

Jack shook his head, ''No need... I can go with my motorcycle.''

Carlisle nodded.

But then Alice grabbed Jack's hand, ''It is late... You don't need to go— there are a lot of empty rooms here.'' She said with an innocent smile.

Carlisle looked outside the window and saw outside being pitch black.

''Alice might be right... You can stay here this night.''

Jack scratched his cheek and nodded.

''I will show you your room.'' Alice smiled and started dragging Jack upstairs.

Emmett already had a teasing expression and was about to shout.

But then Rosalie elbowed him, ''Are you crazy? Do you want Alice to throw you from the cliff?''

Emmett gulped and decided to stay silent.

Jack entered a spacious room with one large bed, wardrobe, and a large window that showed the forest.

It was an unused room, that's why there wasn't anything special.

It is mainly used for guests.

Alice looked at him with an innocent smile, ''Good night.''

She kissed his cheek and left the room.

Jack put his bag on the ground, which had his outfit for the prom.

He took off his jacket and put it on the wardrobe, and after that, he lied down on the bed.

''Damn... I feel thirsty...'' Jack grimaced— his throat was parched ever since he turned back to human.

But soon, a door was opened, and Alice came with a cup of water, ''Here!''

''A-Ah... Thanks.'' Jack chuckled and took the cup of water.

''Good night,'' Alice said once again and left the room.

Jack perked up his ears and heard loud laughter coming from downstairs.



Jack flinched and heard a window breaking.

He went towards the window and saw Emmett lying on the ground while Alice was standing behind him, cracking her knuckles.

Rosalie was facepalming and dragged Emmett back inside.

Jack smiled and lied back on his bed.

His eyelids started getting heavier until finally, he drifted asleep.

Soon the house also got quieter, and everyone went back to their rooms to have some quality time with their mates.

Alice was lying on her bed while looking at the ceiling without blinking.

She could hear Jack's soft breathing noises, and she knew that he had fallen asleep.

She licked her lips and sneakily left her room.

Without making a sound, she appeared in front of Jack's room and opened the door.

She saw Jack's adorable sleeping face.

Alice appeared next to the bed and lied down next to Jack.

She went closer and closer until her petite body was in contact with his.

Her face was only an inch away from Jack's.

She felt his hot breath touching her tough skin.

Without blinking even once, she stared at Jack's face the entire night...

When the sky was getting brighter, Jack showed signs of waking up.

Alice quickly stood up and left the room sneakily.

Shortly afterward, Jack's eyes opened, and he felt a certain smell lingering on the room.

A smell that belongs to a certain pixie.

''Hmm...'' Jack smiled and sat in the bed.

'There is only one who smells this nice... My Alice...'

He stood up and left his room.

He entered the living room and noticed all of the Cullens sitting and talking.

He also saw Alice innocent sitting, not aware that Jack already knows.

Jack sat down on the chair next to Alice and saw Emmett's face being dirty for some reason.

''What happened to you?'' Jack asked.

Emmett gulped.

Alice narrowed her eyes dangerously.

''N-Nothing,'' Emmett said with a fearful tone.

Rosalie patted his head and shook her head.

'Just pretend that you didn't know... Why did I fall in love with this moron.'