Bard's Reasoning

"Young prince you have a vision that I'm sure that you can achieve it, my instincts tell me if I follow you there will be a lot of fighting to come and I would become stronger your offer is very enticing, tell you what if you can disarm me I'll pledge my loyalty to you with now."

' I really can't believe thing happened like how I thought they would but this way is better than the alternative and Cul needs to experience a lot of different thing's before he can rule over his own realm or else their will be problems in the future but I can say the same for Odin.'

' The only things about them that has changed since the day I meet them is their age and appearance and they have become stronger but that's it in terms of personality they are both the same as that day and hearing Cul make me this offer makes my think back on what's happened since I meet them.'

FLASHBACK (Day Bard meet Cul and Odin)

"Well they both have talent but their personalities could use some work but it nothing time and experience cant handle." I say out loud as I watch the fight happening below as I watch sitting on the wall to the side.

"Looks like the fight is over quicker than I thought it would be." looking at the two prices breathing heavily staring at each other I decide to appear now before they start again.

Jumping from the wall and appearing near both of them I introduce myself.

"It seems the princes of Asgard are quite interesting fighting amongst themselves already, anyway I am your martial arts and weapon wielding teacher the names Bard"

and this is how it started

After that I would go on to teach them both hand to hand combat for two years learning more about both of them and seeing both of their faults, Odin is full of pride and arrogance thinking himself above everyone while Cul displays his indifference to other's life and his ruthlessness open without trying to hide it.

Over the years through having the same views on power and mutual respect or each others strength Cul and I grew closer while Odin with his growth in power became even more prideful and his arrogance grew to the sky, while they both are talented it is clear to see that Cul is even more so.

I have have watched how their attitude towards each other has gone from open display of hatred to deeply hidden hatred and open indifference and tolerance towards each other and while their hatred for each other has been hidden it is still growing and becoming stronger to one day explode outwards consuming everyone around them.

With the end of the king long life approaching and a new king to be named things could either go one of two ways one Asgard is divided into two by the fighting of the both of them or one of them leaves sparing Asgard an internal war that could leave us weak and venerable to it's enemies.

Knowing Cul and his lack of interest in the throne of Asgard and it's people the second option is more likely to happen with the one leaving being Cul.

But with how prideful Odin is even that option will most likely lead to a fight between the two which is a better solution as it won't weaken Asgard.

Even if I have to choose at between the two i would pick Cul one hundred percent of the time

Flashback END

Bard looked at after answering him and he could only hope during Cul's up coming trip he would have a change in how he portray's himself to others even if he does not lose his original personality he could at least lessen it to an extent stopping him from becoming a tyrant.

" very well Bard, I will defeat you"

Dashing towards Bard Cul channels his destruction energy into the blade turning it red before slashing downwards releasing a crescent slash towards Bard.

'Glaive art first stroke of destruction'

seeing the incoming attack no trace of panic could be seen on Bard's face as he slashes his sword upwards.

As the two attacks clash Bard is pushed across the field.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" with a shout he dug his foot into the ground coming to a stop before his arms bulged out deflecting Cul's attack into 5he sky above Asgard as it exploded creating a deafening noise throughout Asgard as a shock wave spreads frightening some of the weaker Asgardians

Cul and bard not even waiting for the aftermath continue to fight clashing over and over for the next week without break before Bard finally lost due to running out of divine energy before Cul who was also running low.

" I lost" getting up off the ground Bard knelt in front of Cul

" I Bard the Asgardian god of combat pledge my never ending loyalty to Cul Borson to help him in his endeavors and stand by his side as his sword and shield.