

As the two gods finally collide Culs Glaive covered in destruction energy while Hade's axes are covered in hellfire neither side is pushed back, as Cul spins his Glaive around knocking Hades back while he also backs up and glances at his glaive he can't help but be angry as after one clash between the two his weapon is already damaged while hades axes are still strong.

"It seems someone is in need of a new weapon."

"Don't push you're luck Hades, by the end of this fight you will be no more."

" sure, anything is possible."

Cul starts to augment his body with his magical energy as he doesn't want this fight to last too long, he pours even more destruction energy into his blade as he rushes forward again at hades this time not holding back, Hades answered in kind as he also augmented his body to keep up with Cul and upped his output of heel fire.

" Destruction glaive arts realm split."

Ren slam down his glaive on hades as he blocks the strike with his two axes crossed and the collision destroys everything in their immediate area not waiting for hades to plan out his next moves Cul covers his foot in conquerors haki and kick hades in the stomach sending him flying back, but Cul refuses to let up as follows up stabbing his glaive down in the spot hades had landed which is covered in smoke, but Cul feels something is wrong but as he goes to jump back it too late as hades slashed him across his back opening up a deep wound but another axe comes for his neck as he is forced to use his space divinity and teleport to dodge it.

Cul appeared away from hades as he feels the blood running down his back he knows he doesn't have time to heal it now so teleports back to hades and attacks from the side with his Glaive but the attack is blocked but as soon as was he disappeared once again appearing above hades attacking from above but this was also blacked, as he continues to disappear and reappears until he finally manages to cut hades right across his chest with his blade coated in destruction energy.

Blood spurts out as hades try to heal it but the destruction energy destroys his natural heal factor and his magical energy when he tries, seeing this as an opportunity again.

" Destruction eclipse."

Cul holds his hand up as giant balls of destruction energy rain down on the underworld turning everything they touch to dust as hades see Tatarus being destroyed like this as he draws even more power from his realm.

"Hellfire Sea."

he'll fire shoot from his hands destroying most of the balls before they reach Tartarus saving it from too much destruction.

Cul once again teleports to him and this time manages to cut off one of his hands and as blood spurts out hades on instinct kicks Cul away knocking him into the ground.


But Cul gets back up and Teleport right back to hades as he goes for his hand that was just cut off.


As Hades goes to pick his hand up it turns to red particles and disappears before his eyes.

Anger would be an understatement of what exactly hades was feeling right now, hades began to grow and his body became bigger and covered in hellfire Cul knew he had gotten serious as Hades created huge weapons out of nothing but hellfire he attacked Cul, and of course, Cul was able to block and dodge some but the others that caught him dealt a lot of damage as his weapon was now destroyed and his armor barely hanging on now, but Cul had managed to inflict wounds on hades during this time as Hades had another deeper wound across his chest and one of his eyes were missing, but as hades could draw from he underworld as they were currently in his realm Cul could draw from nothing and as the fight ragged on this became the factor that put hades on the winning side.


Hades formed one more ax out of hellfire and slammed it down on Cul who was too tired to move.


As the fire disappeared Cul could be seen lying on the ground bloodied but still concoius but barely as it looked like he was about to faint.

Looking down on the blood-covered Cul Hades could not help but smile, as a God he was naturally prideful so when a young God such as Cul came to his realm and showed no hint of fear or respect to him of course it made him upset, but now that same upstart was now lying blood covered in front of him, even though it took him a lot of effort to get this result Hades chose to over look that fact.