Encounter with Death

"That's sad, And here I am visiting you." says a voice interrupting their conversation.

Hearing the voice both Cul and Gaea were alerted and ready to attack, but as the words spoken registered for the both of them Cul stood in front of Gaea as he looked around until his eyes landed on a girl standing before them.

To any fool, they might just take this girl for what she looks like a harmless human, but Cul knew better as he looked at her he knew this could go many ways depending on which death he was dealing with.

"Interesting, you feel no fear for me." said The girl as she looked at Cul

"It would be foolish for a God of fear to give in to fear wouldn't it?" responded Cul

"That's true, but you aren't only a God of fear are you."

"You are right I'm a God of magic, destruction, death, space, and fear."

"I know, I can see it you will be the cause of many souls entering my domain in the future, and your soul is beautiful."

"Thanks, may I ask why you have come here Death?" asked Cul meanwhile they are both having a conversation while death ignores Gaea presence, Gaea has not taken her eyes off Death since she arrived, and even though she may not be shaking in fear her eyes were filled with caution.

"My contract with Hades was terminated because of his death, then I saw you and took an interest so here I am." said Death as she walked closer to Cul.

"How about forming one with me," stated Cul getting down to business as he wanted Death gone as soon as possible.

"I thought you were going to wait until you got stronger," says Death in a voice filled with ridicule as she continued to approach Cul.

Taking no offense to her tone of voice Cul responds.

"I would have, but here you are."

'I really want to know which version of Death I'm talking to if it's the version that played with Thanos and Deadpool I really don't want to have anything to do with her, I'm going to just have to wait and see.'

"You are very interesting, you don't strike me as the type to protect someone yet here you are ready to do so, Being a God of destruction and fear this is very out of character, let me ask you do you enjoy killing?" asked Death completely ignoring Cul's talk about the contract.

"I have no problem killing, but I wouldn't say I enjoy it."

"Oh, That might change in time."

"What about the contract?" asked Cul

"I have no problem forming a contract with you I'm guessing you want to collect the souls of your followers, but you would have to offer me something in return." says Death as she finally arrives before Cul and drags her finger across his face.

"What do want in return?"

"How about you do three favors for me?"

"No," Cul responded firmly

Cul wasn't a fool to agree to do favors for Gods in exchange for something much less a cosmic entity, this could and would most likely come back and hurt him in the long run.

"How about two?"



"No," said Cul as he looked into Death's black eyes.

"You're not being flexible."

"I can do anything else but that."

"Fine, how about your soul."

"Death be serious."

"I am, When you die I want your soul to belong to me completely with your consciousness becoming my slave," says Death.

"Deal," answers Damon he had no intention of dying so this deal was fine, for now at least when his power passed her's he would break the contract.

"Good, the Contract shall take effect now I have stayed here long enough already I shall return to my domain, but I look forward to the day you join me for eternity, and one last thing you can only collect the souls of your followers and no other," says Death as her body turns transparent and disappears.

After Death finally left Gaea finally spoke

"Why! why did you agree to that contract?" asked Gaea

"Relax I have no intention of dying, but she really limited the souls I could collect I planned on continuing collecting the souls of followers of all the Olympian Gods, but that is impossible now since she made it specifically my followers," said Cul

"Why not just establish yourself as Hades?"

"What do mean?"

"I mean take Hades name as you own creating a different aspect of yourself to take this role so you can collect souls of his followers even tho it won't be much more since not many worship gods of Death."

"What are the side effects of this?" asked Cul

"I'm not sure, since you don't rely on the faith of humans that can't alter you, at most, you would appear differently to those who worship you as Hades as I do with all the different groups of followers I have."

"I see, I'll think about it, for now, let's take them inside and wait for the weapons to be finished forging," says Cul as he and Gaea enter the forge with the other floating behind him.