The Worthy

'Now, when I enchant these weapons things will get moving the only thing I have planned to do are, creating my race, collecting blood for creating the said race, getting a blacksmith from the Nidavellir, even though I have the cyclops another wouldn't hurt, gain more strength, and increase my amount of followers. Is there anything else for me to do on this planet?' thinks Cul as a smile appears on his face.

Cul stood up and grabbed the spear from the group of weapons and also took out something from his personal storage.

Looking closely one would notice that this was one of the fangs he had gotten from the hydra he created.

The spear.

Taking the fang Cul placed it on the Blade of the spear, and with the help of some magic he fused them together, there was no change in color or design of the spear but the aura radiating off of it became many times stronger as gusts of wind gathered around it.

Taking out the other fangs Culsends them flying into the other weapons as they as well merge and become stronger, the Scythe now burned in black flames, the war hammer now made the earth tremble, the ax now froze the ground and air itself, there was a scimitar that dripped an extremely strong poison from its tip as at eroded the ground, there was a scepter that floated in the air as lightning could be seen shoot across it into the sky at different intervals and lastly there was a sword that floated calmly.

Looking at the Seven weapons each giving off a different aura, but radiating so much power, Cul was tempted to keep one for himself, but it wasn't hard to push that feeling down since he had Uru and would find someone to forge a weapon for him, but as Cul focused on the weapons they calmed down all reaction they had previously been giving off stopped.

Picture of weapons.

They were like obedient children before their fathers.

Cul looked at the weapon and a smile of satisfaction bloomed on his face, right now they weren't as powerful as they would be years later as they were connected to Achlys so as long as he continued to get stronger the amount of power each weapon could use would continue to increase.

Stretching out his hand the spear floated over and Cul grabbed it.

"In my name Cul Borson, the great serpent. I say whoever wields this spear shall have the power over the winds, and shall be able to path the heavens for as long as they bow their head and bend their knees to the great serpent," says Cul as a mark of a small black snake appears on the spear as Cul throw it into the sky and a portal opens and it flys through to some part of the universe.

"You went through the trouble of having them forged just to scatter them through the universe?" a choice asked as a hand wrapped around Culs waist from behind,

Already knowing who it was he responds.

"It's an idea that should both create more followers for me and make me more powerful," answers Cul.

"Oh, how so?"

"Have you forgotten what kind of god I am?"

"Of course not you're a God of fear, magic, death, space, and destruction."

"Exactly and a god of fear absorbs fear to become stronger which is why it is so dangerous for a god of fear to feel fear, the moment that happens I will become weak if not powerless," says Cul

"It's that serious?" asked Gaea

"It is, after all, it is easy for a god of fear to get stronger and this will help with that, I will send them throughout the universe and the wielder of each will become a servant of mine who will use the power to act in my name to either conquer planets and fight powerful enemies while spreading fear that will come back and be absorbed by me, of course, they will act under the great serpent name, not Cul Borson Asgard already has too many enemies," says Cul

"Speaking of Asgard when are you going to leave?"

"After my father dies and the war is fought, I will leave but the war provides many opportunities to collect blood and spread fear which will make my plans to create my race finish faster and a good chance for me to become stronger," says Cul

"Okay, but when are we going to have children?" whispers Gaea in Cul ears seductively.

(Pov change)

In Olympus, there is currently a meet happening as all the gods that had a seat had been summoned, except Hades as he was the topic of the meeting.

"What do you mean all entrances to the underworld have been cut off?!" questions Poseidon.

"Just as I've said, it seems Hades is ready to make his move and has closed off the underworld to get ready for war!!" Zeus says angrily

"Hades is the most powerful of all of us, but even he can't take us all on by himself." Hera who sits beside Zeus points out

"There is Tartarus, he can recruit people with deep hatred us Olympus from their offering all sorts of rewards and get an army." points out Athena

"We need to find a way to figure out what happening in the underworld, has no still been unable to find Gaea?" asked Zeus

"No we haven't found her, last her energy appeared it was near the underworld entrance a while before it closed," says Athena.