Asgard once again

In the sky above the Asgardian palace, Cul could be seen floating there looking down on everything happening, and the longer he looked one sentence popped into his mind.

"This place hasn't changed."

Dropping to the ground, Cul walk forward as he enters the Palace as the guards made way for their prince, it wasn't long before he arrived in the throne room, but as he entered he saw his family waiting for him.

"It seems I was the last to arrive, Old man, you look terrible," Cul says as he and Bor make eye contact.

"Cul, you've become powerful," Bor says from his throne.

Bor no longer had the great power leaking for his body, his face and eyes looked dead, even his body itself had gotten smaller, but one thing that didn't change was the authority in his voice.

Cul moved his gaze to his mother and younger brothers, seeing his mother looking the same as before beautiful and elegant cul was satisfied everyone else could die but her, including his two brothers sensing the power they were letting off and held pride in, Cul smirked they were nowhere near the talent Odin or he had but they were still powerful in there own right.

Speaking of Odin, Cul felt his gaze on him probably trying to sense his power so he turned to do the same, and Cul was surprised Odin Still had pride and arrogance but least it had fallen some but he was powerful, and from what Cul could sense he had a new divinity.

"What is it magic? it's runes and war, god job brother," Cul says While looking at Odin.

Odin didn't look surprised as he responded.

"Thanks, Cul, or should I call you the great Serpent?"

"Hahahahaha, I'm good Cul is fine, I guess you encountered one of my followers in your journey."

"That's right."

The both of them stared each other down as Odin's aura started leaking Pressing down on Cul, shaking the Palace and city to its core, Cul stood there looking at Odin no defense from the pressure as he smiled.

"Is this what you accomplished in two hundred years?" Cul asked Smile still present on his face.

"It's a lot, I'll be honest, but..." Cul says as his aura completely changes and suddenly smashes down solely on Odin Slamming him into the floor and completely clearing up his aura, as Cul pull back his also.



Everyone present was surprised, they felt the divinity Cul had used, it was powerful and most of all it was only one yet he managed to force Odin down so easily.

"How did you gain a divinity of death?" Asked Bor

"Who knows."

"Why have you called?" Cul asks

"You two would not have known but the war will start soon, When you two had left our enemies had tried many times to invade, testing the waters to see my reaction, and after two hundred years of not doing anything they have decided I'm dying which would be right." Said, Bor.

"I'm guessing, Jotunheim, Svartalfheim, and Muspelheim are the ones we will be dealing with first." Says Cul

"Yes, they seem to be the ones who want the war the most."

"What about the Vanir?"

"They haven't made any movements yet."

"So what is the plan?" asked Cul

"Before that, shouldn't you name your successor father?" asked Odin as the room was now silent as all focused on Bor.

Even Ve and Vili looked hopeful which Cul found foolish but said nothing, but Bestla looked sad she knew this day would come as she knew the decision would most likely worsen the relationship between her first two sons, it may even lead to one of their deaths.

"The throne will be passed down to the person, who I find most fitting, the ruler of Asgard most be the strongest to keep its enemies in check while also having the wisdom to rule correctly, of all my sons the two of you are the strongest and have the most experience and wisdom," Bor says looking at Cul and Odin clearly never taking the other two into consideration.

"Cul, Odin, You both would make great ruler but only one of you may rule when I pass as I expect the other to help protect Asgard, Odin During your journey you have made great progress in dealing with the arrogance and pride that may one day ruin you while also gaining two divinities, you have proven yourself a talented and powerful God, and made me proud, it would be hard-pressed to find a God who could stand with you." Says Bor as Odin smiles thinking he has been chosen as he steps forward.

Bestla hearing Bor's statement looks at Cul, thinking he would be upset with this turn of events as she knows he would never follow Odins Orders.

"But." It was said in the same volume and tone, but that one word shoke everyone present.

"Cul, my son I can say without a doubt, making you the ruler of Asgard would lead our people into an era of untold prosperity and growth, you were born with four divinities yet on your journey you managed to unlock another, the only reason I had not named you the crown prince was because of your indifference and coldness, but it looks like your journey has brought it to an acceptable level, simply put you have the power and mindset to become the ruler of Asgard."

Once again the room was silent and full of tension the only person who had no problem with Cul becoming King was Bestla his mother, his brothers had a bad relationship with him so they wanted the position to go to Odin, but the only person with a say on who inherited the throne was Bor.