Taking the Odin-force 2

" Yes, master!" shouts a fire demon as he runs out of the room escaping as it begins to collapse as his master begin to assume his true height, as an over one thousand feet tall monstrosity, twilight sword in hand, and his aura leaking into the surroundings as the fires and lava begin to burn hotter and more vigorously.



The room Surtur was in collapsed as he continued to grow until he reached his true size, the flames of Muspelheim burned brighter and hotter as if welcoming their master.

Surtur asked no questions or spoke as he swung down his sword on a stunned Odin, the speed of the swing certainly didn't match the size of Surtur as before Odin could blink the sword was already upon him.


One slash, one move was all it took for endless amounts of damage to appear as far as the eyes could see, a gigantic slash was left but that was all whatever solid ground was around was now completely gone, but most shocking was the fabric of space was burnt at the path of the sword.


The sword was pulled from the ground as vast amounts of Cosmic energy started to move as it flowed through the sword as spread out, the giant had prepared well casting a barrier so his prey couldn't escape.

"Foolish Asgardian stop hiding, I know that slash didn't kill you."

There was no movement after Surtur spoke but he didn't seem surprised as more cosmic energy was being used by Surtur causing flames to spread out burning everything as it passes Util it crashes into the Barrier he had created.


"There you are."

In less than a second Surtur was gone, completely as he appeared above the three brothers with his sword-bearing down on them, light with flames.

Knowing they could survive a hit from the sword or Blocking it, the three brothers did the only thing they could do.

Teleporting away, by the time the sword had smashed the place they were standing they had already reached a part of the barrier and started attacking in hopes of breaking it.

"Foolish Asgardians, you won't be able to break it in time."

Once again Surtur was upon them and they were forced to move once again as his sword cut through the barrier, giving them a way out but the way was blocked by a being they couldn't hope to beat at the moment.

Forced to watch as the opening closed as Surtur pulled back his blade, they had no other choice but to fight.

Finally deciding that they were going to fight the brother's divine energy started leaking out as it clashed with Surtur but as one would expect it was nowhere near the level to hold back Surtur pressure for even a minute, as an even stronger pressure pressed down on them as Surtur had gotten serious the sky of Muspelheim was burning as the temperature continues to increase to no end, having long started spreading out of Muspelheim.

"Bor must be really dying, to send you three here to weaken my forces, but it matters not after killing you three I will invade Asgard and take his head."

Odin and his brother stood there as Surtur approached them, unable to resist until, their energies began to mix and this came as no surprise to them, but Surtur Noticed this change, and even though he didn't know what would come from it his instincts told him to stop it.

But it was too late, as he teleported to them they had already started to magically merge into something else as the power they could wield increased to a great extent, as a light shone from them the sword that was almost upon them was stopped and pushed back forcing Surtur to take some steps back.


AS the light expanded so did the power of whatever was being formed in it until finally, the light disappeared and reveal a giant the same height as Surtur, clearly formed from the three brothers.

(with Cul)

Cul stood in space watching the event unfold, as he watched the more he wanted to devour Surtur, the power and abilities could be his, or he could be left to make trouble for Asgard and be devoured later, it made no difference.

Turning to the giant formed by his brothers Cul only looked for a while before turning his attention back to Surtur even though currently they could be said to be stronger than Surtur how long could they stay in that form before they returned to normal and had to run?

He didn't know but it wasn't long enough for them to kill Surtur.

(On Asgard)

"Foolish Sons of mine!" Bor cursed as he struggled to reach the Bifrost having sensed the battle happening Between Surtur and his Sons.

"Where the hell is Cul?"

"He must have returned to his realm." answered his wife following behind him.

"At a time like this? just get in contact with him and make sure he arrives in time to save at least one of his bothers."

The next chapter is in a couple of hours, Let's try and get 70 power stones.