The second Son Kairos

"Remember Keres, even though you ask for help your divinity of chaos is different from theirs, one is the concept of chaos while the other is chaos energy, even though the knowledge of the concept may be needed to use the physical aspect, don't let other influence your understanding of it, doing so will only affect your strength in the long run." Cul spoke seriously.

"Yes, father."


While Cul was sparing and talking to his first son hid other children were all up to different things.

most of them were training in some way, either fighting each other or trying to comprehend their divinities to a deeper level.

One such example would be Kairos.

Kairos was Cul's second Son, and among all of Cul's children, he was the one that trained the most aside from Keres.

Kairos was also the only child of Cul that was born with one divinity, this, of course, didn't make him weak, no in fact he was the second strongest of all Cul's children only behind Keres slightly.

Kairos was currently floating above a planet still inside the serpent realm, he looked down as the expression on his face seemed serious.

Kairos had long brown hair, deep black eyes and his complexion was almost the same as Gaea he looked much like Gaea only with masculine features.

It wasn't long after Kairos stopped looking at the planet and turned to face straight ahead as if looking at something.

" You are stronger than before, young Prince." a voice spoke as a man appeared in the place where Kairos was watching.

" I greet the father of the forgotten." spoke Kairos his voice was not submissive or overbearing as he spoke to the man, he spoke as if speaking to a friend.

The man before Kairos was of course Aion.

Aion himself smiled as he heard the way Kairos addressed him.

Truth be told if Kairos wanted he could tell Aion to kneel to him or even order Aion to do something, but Kairos knew better than that, he respected power and he knew he was weaker than Aion, and even if he wasn't it wasn't the way he was raised to treat the people in their realm.

Of course, none of his children had been stupid enough to try to order around, beings like Aion, Iris Matilda, or even Achlys.

These four were created by Cul, and were very powerful, if ordered by any of Cul's children one might think they would carry out the order but you would be wrong.

When Cul had children he had, made it known to these four they weren't to follow any of his children's orders, only he and Gaea had the authority to order them to do anything.

Cul had the intention to raise his children to be strong and not rely on his name or influence to get what they wanted, so this was needed, and Cul children already knew this which was why they didn't even try, anything they needed from these beings were requests they would put forward and they could be rejected just the same.

That was what Kairos was here to do, he wanted help with his divinity, and Aion could help him a lot so he came seeking guidance.

" I see the young Prince divinity has become stronger since the last I saw you." spoke Aion

" So what brings you here?"

"I have come to seek your help with the development of my divinity." said Kairos

"Oh, young prince as I recall your divinity was decay right?" asked Aion

"Yes." answered Kairos

"Decay, it happens in many ways."

"I am guessing you are here to learn about time, and how it intertwines with your divinity." Aion spoke.

"One could say time is a major part of decay, I'm sure if you take your time and sense it you might even unlock a minor time divinity, even if you don't your divinity has many ways it can grow, from its consequences to its effects." says Aion.

"Father has said the same thing." Responded Kairos

"It is to be expected, his majesty would surely have spotted the many avenues you have to grow, from temperature control to moisture you have many ways to strengthen your divinity or even unlock minor divinities that branch off from your main one." said Aion.

"First we will take some time to teach you about time and its many effects." Aion spoke as he motioned for Kairos to follow him as they descended to the planet below them.


As Kairos went to train with Aion, one of Cul's other children was currently sneaking around.

This was Cul's first daughter, her name was Alice she was the God of ice, winter, Fun, and Battle.

She was sneakily walking around the Palace until she entered a giant room, as she entered the room it was clear it was someone's bedroom.

" Dad, won't know I finished training already, Let's go for an adventure, but where I already know everywhere in the realm." Alice spoke

" Why don't I go to Midgard? mom said that where she meet dad for the first time, and they haven't been back in thousands of years." Alice said still talking to herself

" Midgard it is." she said as she disappeared.