Chat between brothers

(In the throne room of Asgard)

"Heimdall what is it that has happened that caused you to leave your post to report it to me?" questioned Odin as he watched his subordinate closely.

Kneeling on the golden floor of the throne room Heimdall spoke while keeping his head down knowing how upset the news would anger Odin.

"Your majesty, Hela has escaped her prison with the help of the serpent realm." says Heimdall slowly.

The sentence was short but it held two important pieces of information, and most of all it managed to do what Heimdall had expected completely angering Odin the all-father.

"Mhm return to your post Heimdall, I will handle this matter myself." said Odin.

Without waiting to be told a second time, Heimdall quickly rise to his feet and left the room leaving Odin alone.



As the Huge throne room door closed and created a loud sound from closing, a second sound echoed after it Heimdall however didn't look back to check and went on his way quickly.

However, in the throne room, the once clean and sparkling floor now had dust on it from the hand rest of Odin's throne that was crushed by him in his anger.

"Thousands of years have passed, and we have stayed mostly out of each other's path, now you do this, do you think I won't strike back at you Cul?" Odin spoke aloud voicing his thoughts.

As he spoke he just seemed to get angrier and angrier, until he calmed.

"No, I can't do anything now, no matter how much I hate to admit this fact Asgard isn't a match for the serpent realm, from soldiers to main fighting force to major powers Asgard is completely outclassed." said Odin as the previous anger faded.

Rational thoughts out weighted his anger, leading him to make the right decision, proving just how much he had grown in the past years, being able to control his anger and pride.

"But do I really have to take this without fighting back?" questioned Odin as he sat on his throne.


As Odin was about to slip into deep thoughts, the door of the throne room was pushed open, without his consent.

Seeing this, Odin wasn't really surprised, there were only two people who dared to do this, his wife and his mother no one else, not even his children.

Odin sat as the person entered and it was revealed to be his mother, showing absolutely no displeasure to her intrusion Odin spoke.

"Mother, is there something you need?" Odin asked.

"Of course not, I came to check on you, you are the same as your brother the both of you spend your days sitting on a throne staring into space when you both have an entire realm to roam and enjoy." said Bestia as she approached Odin.

And even though he hated being compared to Cul, Odin wisely said nothing or made any angry facial expressions at her comment.

Bestia came to his side and rubbed his head, as she spoke.

"Something is bothering you son, what is it maybe mother can help you." she said tenderly.

"Mother, I'm an adult this isn't needed." Said Odin, yet he didn't move her hand from his head.

"Mhm, now tell me what's wrong."


Odin was Silent, Of course, he couldn't tell his mother Cul freed her granddaughter from the prison he threw her in, after all, she wasn't exactly very happy with it in the first place and kept ordering him to free her, so she wouldn't help him now, what's more likely to happen is her leaving and going back to the serpent realm to see her granddaughter.

While Odin was thinking of what to tell Bestia, she pulled out a small mirror from her dress and looked at it.

"Hmm, it's blinking, I think that means Cul is calling." says Bestia as she throws it into the air.

After leaving Bestia's hand the mirror expanded until it was as big as the height of the throne room, then a figure appeared on it.

"Mother, why didn't you tell me you were going to Asgard, I would have prepared some food for you, you know they eat like savages there." says Cul as soon as he appears on the screen.

Odin sitting on the throne didn't even notice the mirror or Cul's appearance as he was thinking of an excuse to tell his mother, but when he heard the voice it snapped him from his thoughts, and he looked up.

"Cul." He said.

Just one word but it was filled with disgust and hatred, enough to fill the seas of earth ten times over.

Hearing his name being called, Cul also finally spotted Odin next to his mother.

"Odin." he to said one word yet it was overflowing with disgust, and another surprising emotion.

