Chapter 82

[ The Gacha has started using half of the host tokens....]

A familiar voice echoed in Cul's mind, as he waited for the gacha to start and reveal his prize.

[ 3....2.....1 Congratulation host you have won the ability delayed fate]

" Delayed fate?" Cuk says puzzled.

Delayed fate- This ability allows the user to affect their destiny or predefined fate, the user is able to ignore their predetermined fate for a time such as death, weakness, age, or the effects of powerful abilities. This ability allows the user to even shrugs off the rules of the universe, but this ability is not all powerful, destiny is unavoidable in the long run and will eventually catch up to the user of this ability, so even if death is avoided by using this ability once destiny could catch you the second time.

Cul read the description of the ability and was, still for a while.

"It's a good ability, but it seems it a gamble, I could use this to avoid death one hundred times but they would all be gambles, but it's worth it at least its fifty percent chance at another life." says Cul.

" The other uses for it are there as well, but is destiny really unavoidable?" questioned Cull.

" Is there a different destiny for me in all the different universes, or is my destiny imposed in the whole omniverse?" questioned Cul.

" As a man who has died already, have I already avoided my fate by being alive now, or was this always my destiny?" Cul continued to question even if there wasn't anyone to answer him at the moment.


Thinking on this subject Cul could feel himself getting more and more confused, and knew he hadn't the knowledge or strength to answer the question currently, so what was the point thinking of it.

" So what if I have an already written death? So what if my destiny is already determined? I promise with my name Cul Borson that my destiny will have to be rewritten as I have no intention of following what's already planned." Cul said seriously no extra dramatics just simple words filled with his conviction.

But even though his words weren't shouted, deep in the very centre of the omniverse where the core of everything was, a woman who was sleeping, suddenly woke up as his words echoed in her ears.

" Are you sure you won't follow what's already written? Then fine show me what you can do with your currently pitiful strength, your destiny was decided the day you made those wishes and I granted them."

" Even the abilities you have now were already determined, but if anyone has a chance it would be you, I hope you won't disappoint me." the woman said as her eyes slowly closed again and she fell back into her sleep.

( Back with Cul)

Cul who had no idea his words had managed to wake the woman who granted his wishes, as he now faced the reality of his ability, and a scary thought appeared in his mind.

"System can the destiny delayed be used to alter the things I get from the gacha going forwards?" asked Cul.

[Answering host... It has been noticed the user is now in possession of an ability that can make use of a loophole in the system, after using the loophole once the system will fix this problem itself making it impossible to do it again.]

"Tch, I guess wanting this to be a way to get exactly what I wanted was too much, I only have one chance to use this for a do-over, one chance is already a lot but, it wouldn't have been upset with more.." say Cul.

" Since it's one chance, it's best to try my luck now I can't wait forever hoping to get an ability that can hide my movements." says Cul.

" System, use the rest of my tokens to make another gacha." says Cul.

[ Second gacha is starting.]

The system sounded in Cul's mind.

[ 3....2.....1..... congratulations host on winning the ability true wanderer of the omniverse.]

True wanderer of the omniverse- this ability gives the user the ability to split the soul and send it into different universes, but the true purpose comes after, being able to use this ability to combine the separate soul together again while keeping all the power the split piece was able to gain in the universe it was in, while also granting the main body the ability to use his power in said universe.

Cul looked at the explanation and was completely shocked after all this was a great ability, now he knew who the omniverse was set up this ability was very important, if he went to another universe with his main body he would be powerless until he developed that universes power but now, he could just send a piece of his soul and combine it. after keeping the power and experience, this was an amazing ability.

Now Cul had a decision to make, either use his one chance now hoping to get the ability he wanted so he could start his plan to devour Galactus and the other or look at the long term and keep this ability.

" System I want to...."