Chapter 113

Time waits for no man, and Thanos was now only two days away from landing on earth, as some of his armies had arrived before him and attacked the earth in an attempt to collect the remaining gems before the arrival of their master, Of course, this ended in failure, even without the formation of the original avengers the earth still had protectors that were in fact more powerful than the avengers.

The believer of Cul had taken care of most of the invaders after Cul had issued the order, exposing them to the modern world for the first time as they destroyed the invaders of the earth in the name of their God.

As for shield, without the avengers, they tried their best, but they suffered heavy losses with little contribution to destroying the invaders, as they were saved by Tony stark and the Hulk.

With the exposure of the believers of Cul, his name appeared more in the mouths of the humans on earth, as his religion which had always recruited in silence had now been getting a large number of people seeking them out.

Of course, most of these people were turned away, and a small amount taken in, as they took in those who had really started to believe in Cul, and the others looking for power were turned away.

Of course, they could have been brainwashed or many other solutions, but they weren't after all Cul really wasn't in need of more believers or subordinates at the moment.

With everything happening on earth the people were now very much aware of how fragile their life was and was looking for any way to protect themselves.

The only person who was relatively the same was Nick Fury.

This man even now after the losses Shield suffered had not called out to Alice to use to offer she had given him, he still had hope and didn't want to bow his head and admit Alice was a God.

Any other human on earth currently with such an opportunity would use it immediately, but he didn't, Fury in some way thought of this decision as a win against Alice.

But little did he know Alice had long since forgotten who he was, in the grand scheme of things Alice bothered to remember from her time on earth, there was food and everything else she did for fun, but no Fury.

The forces mentioned took care of the invaders. but it was clear this wasn't the end, as Doctor strange hand contacted Tony and even tried getting the help of the Serpent church for the upcoming battle, but was met with an expected answer.

" We won't get involved unless our God orders us to."

The church's answer was short but firm, Strange's only other choice was Wakanda who of course agreed to give their aid.

But while Strange was making all these preparations, he really didn't need to make Thanos was getting closer and Cul was keeping track of him.

Cul had no intention of drawing out what was to come, as soon as Thanos stepped foot on Earth, he would die.

Since the hesitation was dealt with, Cul wanted things to be done in the fastest time possible, but Thanos still need to reach earth before he acted, he didn't know why but he felt that would be best.

(Serpent realm)

" Can I devour the remaining gems together?" Cul asked.

[ Host can, but you must be prepared for the pain that comes with it.]

" That's fine, TOAA already knows that two of the gems disappeared, if another disappears I don't know how he would act. it best to devour them all at once." says Cul.

" Just a few hours left now." Cul whispered as he looks at his latest status.

"Status." Cul called out.

Name: Cul Borson

Age: 15,216

Gacha tokens: 266

Race:???( previous races have combined and have yet to be named) Elder God( Primordial deity of the Abyss) Embodiment of space, hate & reality, cosmic being.

Divinities: Fear, Magic, destruction, death, darkness

Abilities: All speak, Asgardian Physiology, Fear empowerment, space manipulation destruction energy, magic manipulation, Conquer haki, annihilation maker, Devourer, Immortality, limited future sight, Lifeforce Absorption, Control Over Life and Death, Hellfire, Death God, Ruler of the underworld, Olympian Physiology, new God Yuga Khan, Perfect Worthless, Dark elves physiology, Frost giant Physiology, out of sight out of mind, delayed fate, true wanderer of the omniverse, Divine Physiology, Living Abyss Manipulation, Symbiote Domination, Dark Energy Manipulation, Superhuman Durability, Amortality, Regenerative Healing Factor, Temporal Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Energy Projection, Force-Fields, Levitation, Size-Alteration, Molecular Restructuring, Matter Transmutation, Resurrection, Life Creation, Soul Control & Manipulation, Recreation, Power/Ability Bestowal, Interdimensional & Intra-dimensional Portals

Reality manipulation-Your will is reality, with your will the reality of the universe can be changed or erased, and alternate realities can be created.