Chapter 18: Master Archer

(1,200 words)

- Percival Bolton POV -

- Lannisport - Westerlands - Westeros - 276 A.D -

The night had passed, and finally the tournament was beginning with the archer's group starting. This was not the most interesting thing for the people, and the king was not even present. He would probably arrive later.

I was number 69, and there were 77 participants. From my place I could see House Lannister, with a very imposing figure in the center of the box, in the seat to the right of His Majesty's throne.

Ser Tywin Lannister, Lord of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Shield of Lannisport and Hand of the King. He was "The Great Lion of the Rock", the second most powerful figure in all of Westeros. Second only to Aerys. As well as the second most dangerous figure in all of Westeros, only behind Euron Greyjou. If, as I said before, is the version of the books. Because in the series he is a wimp who thinks with his penis. It's like talking about Heat Ledger's Joker with Jared Leto's Joker.

Besides the Lannisters, there was also House Tyrell, with Olenna Tyrell and her foolish son Mace Tyrell, as well as House Martell. Although there was no presence of either Elia or Oberyn. There was who I assume to be Doran Martell.

There was House Arryn, with Jon Arryn at the head, and House Baratheon, with Steffon Baratheon, his wife Cassana Baratheon, plus their sons Robert and Stannis. From the Riverlands there was no presence, and as expected in something organized by the Lannisters, there was no Stark either. Not to mention the Greyjoys, whose only interaction with the rest of the houses is to rebel. But they always fail miserably.

The archery tournament had begun, and the 77 participants were divided into 10 groups of 7 participants each. The winner of each group would be divided into two groups of five each, and the winner of those groups would face each other in a final.

Among my opponents in group 6, the group I was in, there were no notable figures. Most were locals from the Westerlands, with one Dorishmen, one Reachmen and one migrant from Essos. I guess from the Free Cities, because he had no oriental features as to be further east, from those strange countries that don't even appear in the show.

The first round was pretty easy, as no archer could hit the bullseye, so I moved on to the next round without any problems. I had already bet all the money I had on my name, although I had not been able to use the money given by Cersei, because I did not plan to sell the bracelet, since I wanted to use the Valyrian Steel for other purposes, I did not plan to sell something as valuable as that. I don't know how the girl will explain the disappearance of her bracelet, but I should leave Lannisport before anyone notices it.

The second round had similar results, only one of the contestants, belonging to Essos, was able to hit the exact center of the target. The guy was from some islands or something, Summer Islands maybe, but after hitting the next shot, which I nailed in the exact same spot as the previous one, I moved on to the finals.

I could notice that many Lords had their eyes on me, as well as many Ladies. Cersei Lannister was one of them, who was looking at me hypnotized, something that I think Jaime noticed, because the boy was looking at me with hatred and annoyance.

The final had arrived, and I was facing a Dornishmen with the surname Sand. Which meant he was a bastard born in Dorne. For bastards are assigned a surname according to where they are born. Sand for Dorne, Snow for The North, River for Riverlands, and so on with all the regions of Westeros.

We both launched our arrows and they hit our target, but then we did the same and my opponent left the arrow a centimeter away from his original arrow, with me sinking the arrow in the exact spot once again, similar to how I did in my previous game.

Cheers covered the city at my perfect and masterful victory, and even the King, who had arrived a moment ago, was applauding.

Aerys II Targaryen, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, King of the Andals, the Rhyonar, and the First Men, as well as Protector of the Realm. He was the one who sat at the Iron Throne. Aerys "The Mad King".

I had already been introduced as a Bolton, so many nobles came to introduce me to their daughters after I collected the money, but I didn't really care.

I had won 3,000 dragons from the competition, which together with the 300 I had, and the 2,100 I got from gambling, amassed a wealth of 5,400 golden dragons. Other nobles offered me jobs as a soldier, but they were very few since being a Bolton, my family name alone was bigger than their entire house, so there was not much they could do. That is, until a woman came along who was quite... Complicated.

"It is strange to see a Nortmen in places so far south of the continent, this place is not safe for your kind" said a woman in an arrogant tone, one could distinguish that she was quite mature, although her face looked young. She wore a golden dress with light blue touches, and her brown hair with reddish touches hung in all its splendor. She was quite beautiful and elegant. Next to her, there was a rather old man with a somber face. He was not a very cheerful one you could see.

"Lord and Lady Tyrell, it is a pleasure," I said with a smile. I had learned that in these kinds of places it is better to be portrayed as friendly than scary. A scary face doesn't stop a hail of arrows from an enemy army, a smile can. That way, the backstabs I give my "friends" will be less expected. It makes me a more dangerous person.

"Mh" replied Lord Luthor Tyrell, Lord of House Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach and Warden of the South. A powerful but not terrifying man. Unlike his wife, the true powerhouse of House Tyrell, and the third most dangerous person in Westeros. Olenna Tyrell, Queen of Thorns.

"A man of few words," Olenna added. "But whatever. It was nice to meet a Nortmen in this area, it might be interesting to establish future relations with House Bolton, we Tyrell are interested in your.... Farming methods" the old cunning woman told me. Of course, the Tyrells are the ones who feed Westeros, but now House Bolton is somehow their competition. For the Boltons now hold The North, Riverlands and part of The Vale. Fairly large markets, which used to belong to House Tyrell.

"That would be interesting too, but I'm afraid the Lord is my brother Roose, you should take it up with him" I replied smiling, but I could tell she wasn't for a moment swallowing my innocent smile. Queen of Thorns is not just any commoner like Maggy. She has experience.

"Lordships can always be replaced, with enough motivation."