Chapter 18- The Ins And Outs Of The Two Cultivation Systems

Xi Shen looked at Yang Su’s bemoaning expression and he couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty. He had completely forgotten that Yan Su was back in the Outer Sect getting familiar with his new Dao Foundation.


Coughing awkwardly Xi Shen changed the topic by pointing out Yang Su’s cultivation, “Yang Su, I see you’ve already stepped on the path of a cultivator by entering the 1st Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm. Since you had a bit of time to examine and get familiar with your Six Elemental Qi Dao Foundation. What do you think of it?”

Both Xi Shen and Yang Su were out in the training ground, with Yang Su seated cross-legged on the ground while Xi Shen stood in front of him similar to a teacher and disciple scenario.

Yang Su placed his upset emotions away and answered Xi Shen, “Elder brother Xi Shen, the Foundation you ga…”

“It’s a Dao Foundation.” Xi Shen suddenly interjected.

Taken aback, Yang Su frowned and asked, “What’s the difference?”