Chapter 202- A Familiar Figure


“A clone? What does he mean by a clone?”

Hush whispers suddenly came from the crowd as they were shocked by Ghuanyu’s words.

Li Shu looked at Ghuanyu’s smirking expression and his heart grew cold.

He was about to speak but Ghuanyu immediately cut him off.

“Are you going to deny it? I wonder why you went so far to hide the fact you left the Li Clan unattended.”

Li Shen hearing the sarcasm in Ghuanyu’s voice and the implications of his words, felt a foreboding feeling in his heart.

‘Why is he here?’

Nothing good will come from Ghuanyu deciding to show up here.

“Why look so shocked that I knew? Well, now everyone knows of your absence. You were careless.”

Ghuanyu suddenly took out a jade slip and toss it to Li Shu.

After catching it in his palm, Li Shu looked down to see an ordinary-looking silver jade slip. Inside this jade slip, he felt a portion of his own power, but it was at the level of a Soul Transformation Realm.