Chapter 226- Watching From Afar

Flipping open his fan, Li Shen walked into the courtyard where Mu Fan, Fei Yin, and Fang Chen were lying around chests heaving while groaning in pain.

For the past few days, they’ve been in Li Shen’s brutal training sessions.

He was those types of instructors that put emphasis on learning the basics.

But what basics?!!

They were well past the stage where basics should be a factor in their training.

They can break a massive boulder with one strike of their fists!

They can split, no, utterly destroy a river with one slash of their weapon!

And with one step they could jump or move dozens of meters in an instant!

The feats they were capable of were beyond what a normal mortal human can fathom. But here he was making them do basic training.

And if you’re wondering how basic training could make cultivators of their level lay on the ground exhausted while groaning from the immense pain coming from their bodies, then looked to that accursed pole!