Chapter 25..Wait! How About A Q&A Chapter First?

Hey guys, like the title suggests this chapter is a Q&A. I'll be answering some questions some of you readers might have for this book.

Question 1- Why the fuck am I reading this?

Ans. Ehem, well, I'm sorry for subjecting you to this. If you're a reader who couldn't give two shits about the author talking about the book, then by all means ignore this and continue reading. But for those who do care, at least a minuscule amount, this is so you can help me help you.

Question 2- Why are you bringing up plot points that don't go anywhere? Are you a dumb fuck of an author?

Ans. Ah, going right for the uppercut I see. Well, I notice this in my writing and my answer is that I don't see them as plot points, but potential plot points. What I mean by that is I see them as world-building elements that make the story more fleshed out.

For eg., There was a "plot point" about Yang Su being harassed by Puppet Factions, but all of a sudden it just disappeared to never reappeared again. Well, it didn't disappear, it's just that it's not affecting Li Shen anymore so it took a back seat but it's still ongoing in the background of the story.

There's another eg. which is the Spirit Body Physique that Meiling, the daughter of the Lin Clan Patriarch has, and Li Shen had wanted to use it to fix his imbalanced physique. It's not gone, it's still there albeit he had to abandon the idea after getting close to the Bia Clan who aren't friendly with the Lin Clan after their fall out.

This answer is quite long but all I'm trying to say is that this is an unconventional method of storytelling that subverts the three-act structure and others of a similar nature. I wasn't trying to be cool by going a different route than other authors as this is just my natural way of telling a story, but I understand if it annoys you readers a lot. And I guess that's what I get for trying to be an archetipal writer haha...

Though, since Volume 3 started I have taken up the three-act structure so potential plot points might not pop up like in the previous volumes.

Question 3- Why is the MC low-key? Can't you think of something original? I'm fucking tired of seeing this over and over again, Fuck!! I'm dropping this shit!!

Ans. Quite extreme, but it comes up. And... *Sighs heavily* Honestly? I think the troupe has been done so many times in copy-paste cultivation novels that it has become associated with trashy writing by beta, braindead, needs to touch grass authors.

I tried to solve this, or appease this annoyance for you readers, by creating the Faceless Hero, the bringer of Justice!!

I feel that with this factor in place it can release that pent-up frustration you have by Li Shen not revealing his true powers. It also adds and reinforced the idea that this is a cultivation world, to not become a target and be bombarded on all sides by powerful groups one must know their current position.

But with that said, you can see that Li Shen is no longer staying low-key, now he's actively displaying his talents. Like he told Ye Fei, he won't be a fish out of water when he reveals his potential, so the low-key is over!

Though let me say this, in my view I didn't see Li Shen not revealing his Time Qi/cultivation as him being low-key. Rather, it's him being passive by not taking action. This is done on purpose so in the finale of Volume 2, which is when the reincarnation process is complete, you see him go through his character arc. Then in Volume 3 you know get an active MC that affects the plot.

Question 4- Why does this book feel so different/unique?

Ans. Not sucking my own dick here, I have gotten reviews from readers saying this. I hesitated on whether I should say this as it might ruin the novelty, but eh I wanna brag about my writing process!

Well, the reason it might feel "unique" or "different" from other cultivation novels is that I incorporated Murim/Wuxia elements into the story.

What? That's nothing new!

Yeah, but like, it's how I executed the idea.

For eg. the entire scene of Li Shen attending his birthday celebration. That was written using Wuxia elements as you hardly see those down-to-earth scenes in high fantasy Xianxia, if you did it's likely glossed over.

But there's a downside, like the scene of Li Shen eating with his mother just before he took the carriage to attend his birthday celebration. It mentions his mother cooking, well, that's just weird, a Soul Transformation Realm cultivator who was who knows how many times strong, cooking?!! Though maybe some of you can look past that and enjoy the scene for what it is, that's why wrote it despite its unlikeliness in these sorts of cultivation novels. And again, that's me trying to be an archetipal writer.

5- Why is this book so full of fucking shit?! The MC hardly cultivates and when he does it's briefly mentioned and then he has all of these powers and then-Arrghhh!! fuck it! I'm dropping this dogshit!!

Ans. Ehem, again, a bit extreme but it has gone like this to some extent. This relates back to me incorporating Murim/Wuxia elements into the story. I write the book similar to a cultivation manhua style comic. If you haven't read a manhua and don't know what the fuck I'm talking about then it usually goes like this...

MC Reincarnates-- Either has a cultivation technique from his past life that he hasn't mastered fully or develops one in his current life--- Gets involved with this life's conflict--- cultivates cultivation technique by himself while figuring out how the technique works(this is what readers might enjoy)--- after getting stronger by cultivating his cultivation technique he solves this life's conflicts(also another point readers might enjoy).

Bare in mind that this is just my barebone interpretation of these comics and isn't necessarily right for all of them that have a reincarnated MCs'. But what I'm trying to say is my novel isn't like other cultivation novels where the MC's cultivation is at the forefront and everything such as the plot comes after.

The story's enjoyment usually comes from what plot points the MC is actively in and how he deals with it with his cultivation. And I guess this comes full circle since this is why I write so many potential plot points, because I want to recall them back in future chaps and not have you readers get the feeling that I'm just pulling them out of my ass to draw out the story. But of course I don't do them right in some cases, and that's where my inexperience comes in and I need to improve upon.

I took a big risk writing the book like this and I'm truly happy that I have readers that enjoy it. For those who still can't stand my book being written like this, I am learning, I really want to fix my writing style so I can make this book better and not make the same mistakes in future works.

I'm sure these measly questions aren't every question that needs answering, but these are the ones I want to convey to you.

Of course please make your complaints known, this is a Q&A Chapter after all so shoot those questions in the comment section and leave some paragraph comments on your thoughts about my answers. I'll respond to every one of them!

Guys, please tell me how much my book sucks, I can't improve without knowing, pwitty pwease *puppy dog eyes* Though I want compliments too, else hearing how much my book sucks might lead to me going on hiatus to recover, and you don't want that again do you? ;)