Chapter 434- Soul Nourishing Pill (3)

“I don’t really get it, doesn’t the Hidden Fragmented prevent those in the Nascent Realm and above from entering? Why is there a separate competition for the Mid Generation when most of them have reached the Nascent Soul Realm already?”

Jun asked while turning to Lu Shin. In response Lu Shin said.

“Isn’t it obvious? The various powers are sending an elder-level existence like my brother inside the Hidden Fragmented Realm so their group can have enough strength to fight for treasures inside as well as to protect their members. After all, those who would enter the Hidden Fragmented Realm are their most promising members.”

“I already figured that, that’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking how are they going to enter the Hidden Fragmented Realm when they’ve already reached the Nascent Realm?”

Lu Shin scratched his chin before saying.