


"It's okay Marcus, at the level of my magic now, I can go with him ..."



"But ... Do you think it's okay if you use all your magic this time ??'' The Prince worried to his friend.



"In case what we don't want to happen, happens, you're there for me."



"All right ... But just in case you reach your limit, hold back as much as you can."



And they felt the cold wind blowing from the beach. At the same time as the scorching sunset.

This time, Haj managed to stop them from heading west a little. But they, in turn, would stop him from aspiring to be king.



"Don't be a too arrogant kid ... I haven't let out yet with all my strength!"

Again the Paladin swung his sword in the air and threw it at Rico with all his might. They immediately dodged but they were wounded by the wind. The sword immediately returned to Haj.

