The Gift

“Vikki told me she convinced you to come to the party. She told me I owe her big.” He said.

“Wait, Vikki was in on this?” Sukie asked, surprised.

“Yeah,” he said sheepishly running his fingers through the back of his hair. It seemed to be what he did when he was nervous.

“Vikki is a hot mess and I love her for it. I can’t believe she kept this from me.” Sukie smiled.

“Hey, it’s after 12:00. Open your gift.” Brent said.

“Oh yeah.” Sukie replied remembering she still had a gift to open.

The furthest thing from her mind was a gift when she had the sexiest man in the world alone in this incredible room being so damn adorable. He was a gift all on his own. She thought.

Sukie reached into her clutch and took out the small box. She untied the bow very carefully and removed the top cover.

Inside the perfect little box was a beautiful necklace. The pendant was a greyish rainbow-like stone surrounded by diamonds on a white gold necklace.

“Oh my gosh! This is beautiful Brent. I can't accept this. It’s too much.” She said, handing him back the necklace.

“Please! It's the one thing I can give to you before I leave. I wanted you to have something to remember me.” He said.

“You say that like I am never going to see you again.” She replied, with worry painted on her face.

Brent looked at her completely silent for a moment. His silence was unnerving.

“Of course, you’re going to see me again.” He said, teasingly as he grabbed her, pulling her closer to him. She didn’t realize she wasn’t breathing until he responded.

Sukie looked up at him as he wrapped his arms around her caressing the small of her back.

“Well, you already gave me something amazing tonight, Brent. This feeling will never be replaced. I wouldn't have wanted to spend my birthday any other way.” She said with a sweet smile.

“You are the one who wanted to binge-watch chick flicks, so I wasn’t so sure.” He teased.

“Whatever. You know you like those chick flicks too.” Sukie said, punching him in his arm.

“Take it easy superwoman.” He teased, pretending to fall over as she punched him.

He took the necklace out of Sukie’s hand and walked her back into the room towards the mirror, while he stood behind her.

“Here, let me help you.” He said, while he moved her hair to the side as he traced his fingers gently along the back of her neck, causing her tiny hairs to stand up.

He clasped the necklace shut and gave her a sweet little kiss on the back of her neck. She was totally done at the touch of his lips. She closed her eyes and squeezed her legs together in an attempt to maintain her self-control.

I am already madly in love with this guy, and he goes and does things like this! Oh my gosh! I can barely breathe. She thought.

Fixing the necklace to sit perfectly center on her, he looked at her with a smile.

“The necklace is so pretty.” She said.

“It’s not as pretty as you, but it will do.” He replied.

How did he find something that matched my dress, my hair and brought out the green in my eyes, all in one? She wondered. It was so perfect.

“Anytime you feel alone or scared just hold it and think of me.” He said.

It sounded kind of corny considering all the shit that happened to her at night, but she smiled anyway.

“It's beautiful, thank you.” Sukie said.

Now was not the time to share her horror stories with him. They were having a great time and his concern for her was so sexy. Corny isn't that bad. He was the most adorable corny Jock ever. She smiled at the thought.

Sukie looked at the pendant in the mirror for a moment. The stones twinkled as she lifted it up and looked down at the pendant to admire it more closely.

She looked back up to the mirror as her surroundings began to blur until she could only see darkness.

Blinking her eyes hard, she hoped it would clear her vision. Her racing heartbeat echoed in her head.

“What’s happening?” She whispered.

She looked around only finding darkness in her sight. Growling noises and men screaming filled her ears. She couldn’t see where the noises came from and she grew more frightened the louder they became.

Sukie’s head was spinning. She put her hands over her ears to muffle

the sounds. She closed her eyes tightly.

“This is just a dream. This is just a dream.” She whispered.

Suddenly, the noises stopped. Sukie slowly opened her eyes. An image began to form through the darkness the longer she stared at it.

She could see Brent. He lay on the floor, covered in blood, holding his arm out as though he was trying to stop someone.

She wasn’t sure if it was his blood or someone else’s. He seemed hurt but there was no one around him. Who was he trying to stop? She wondered.

The air was filled with smoke and fog. Images of burning buildings became discernable in the distance. Dark, motionless figures became visible on the ground.

The scene shifted. Sukie saw herself wearing a bone-white cloak with a sword in her hands. The sword handle was encrusted in beautiful stones as the gold spiraled around her gloved hand.

Her eyes looked strange. They were a dark green color and the veins in her neck were dark, almost black. She looked pale and very different. She almost didn’t recognize herself.

Sukie smiled at Brent, but he looked terrified like he wanted to run away. She held the sword back and swung down at Brent with all her strength.

“No!” Sukie screamed out.