Hello Lovely

Downstairs was a mess. People were passed out everywhere.

Vikki was basically dry humping Abel. She would be mortified in the morning.

Sukie could tell she had a couple of drinks but to the average person, Vikki probably looked like she was just having a good time.

Abel didn't mind either way.

Sukie walked up to Vikki and asked if she was ready to go.

“Nooo!” She said slurring. “Please let’s stay! The party is just getting started!”Vikki said as she leaned on Sukie.

“Come on, we have to go Vik. We had a deal and it's already almost 1:30.” Sukie replied.

“Ohhh boo.” she teased.

“I would tell you to stay but I know you had some drinks so I would not be your bestie if I let you stay. I know Abel is totally responsible, but you and I came here together and we are leaving together.” Sukie said, firmly.

“I told her to slow down.” Able shouted over the music. He was clearly still sober.

“I have been keeping her dancing to sweat out that alcohol. I know she doesn't usually drink.” He said.

“I'm not worried about her being with you Abel. You have always been an amazing friend. I just need her to be safe from everyone else. Alcohol and teens with raging hormones are not a great combination.” Sukie said.

“I agree,” Abel replied.

Sukie knew she sounded like such a mom, but she didn't care. One thing she always did was take care of anyone she cared about and Vikki was like a sister to her. She was responsible for her.

“Come on. Let’s go.” Sukie said, as the four of them left the party.

They arrived at Sukie's house at exactly 1:30 a.m. Abel and Brent followed Sukie and Vikki home. She parked the car and stepped out.

Brent had already made it over to her while Abel went to check on the passed out and snoring Vikki.

I don't know how anyone could look that good passed out. I would have been a mess. She thought as the boys helped to get Vikki out of the car and upstairs.

Sukie took off Vikki's shoes and let her crash in her bed while she decided to sleep on the couch. There was no helping her take a shower because she was passed out most likely till tomorrow, destined to wake up with a hangover.

Sukie put a bottle of coconut water and Aspirin on the nightstand for her. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be too bad. She thought.

She walked the boys outside and thanked them for helping. They were always so sweet. Sukie and Vikki were lucky to have such good friends during their high school years.

Brent lingered while Abel said his goodbyes and walked to the car. He stood one step below Sukie on the stairs and pulled her close, burying his face into her neck, breathing in deeply.

“You are simply intoxicating. I could smell you forever.” He said in a low voice.

“Well don't make me wait forever. I miss you already, Sir.” She teased, kissing him playfully. “We have unfinished business,” She reminded him.

“That, we do.” He blushed.

“I'm not leaving till you walk inside.” He said.

“You never do.” She said, reminding him of all the times he had followed Vikki and her home or dropped them off.

He would always make sure they closed the door before he drove off. She realized it was the little things she didn't pay attention to that she should have.

Brent had given her little hints all the time now that she thought of it. Like when they won the championship this year and he got her one of their varsity jackets. No one else who wasn't on the team got one. Or how he always flashed a big smile when he saw her and dropped whatever he was doing to tell her hello.

Sukie never noticed anyone else getting those smiles or the effort.

Vikki had told her long ago that Brent looked at her in a way that he never looked at anyone else. Like he was mesmerized by her.

He didn't even look at his ex-girlfriend like that when they were dating. No wonder Allison hated her all this time.

Sukie always thought Vikki was just saying that to encourage her to express herself to him.

Damn, Brent really has been attracted to me all this time. Now what? I let all that time pass and now he's leaving. She thought

The tears that she had been trying to hold back since they left the party resurfaced.

Sukie gave Brent one last hug as he kissed her forehead.

“See you later.” He said, as though he wasn't about to disappear for however long. Sukie took off his jacket he had loaned her at the party when they were leaving since her dress was still damp from the champagne being thrown on her.

“Keep it until I get back.” He said with a smile.

Sukie gave him a soft kiss on his lips she started blushing for the millionth time tonight, and slowly turned around to go inside but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back into his arms, kissing her deeply.

She wrapped her hands around him tightly as she lost herself in his kiss.

They slowly separated as Sukie buried her face in his neck, pulling him in and squeezing him as though she couldn't let go. He held her close for as long as he could.

She knew he didn't have much time so she released him after a few moments and turned to walk into the house. She gave him one last look and closed the door.

An emptiness hit her like a brick the moment she closed the door. She watched him get into the car and drive off as tears rolled down her cheeks. She took a deep breath and got herself together.

It felt like a fantasy come true for a moment, then boom! She was crushed, just like that, it was over.

"Ugh! This totally sucks!” She said through her teeth. All her plans changed in the blink of an eye, or did they? Hmm, there is so much to think about. She thought.

Removing the necklace Brent gave to her, she placed it on her dresser and went to take a shower.

The warm water felt so good on her skin.

She had to finish off with a cold rinse after such a heated evening. It's the only way she could take care of her urges since Vikki took over her bed and she was stuck on the couch.

Her body was still tender and aroused from those moments with Brent. She was so disappointed the night had to be interrupted.

What the hell was Brent talking about though? Where was he going? Sukie's thoughts were running wild.

The feelings that she felt for Brent all this time grew like crazy tonight. She knew she needed him. Every part of her needed him.

She felt so comfortable with him. She didn't worry about anything, except where he was going. There were so many thoughts flooding through her mind all at once.

Sukie got dressed and made her way downstairs to the couch. It was chilly so she pulled her blanket up and adjusted it in her attempt to get comfortable. She could never sleep well on a couch. She was spoiled and need her bed in order to rest peacefully.

This will do for tonight though. I should get the best friend of the year award for giving up my bed. She thought.

She was startled by a buzzing beneathe her. She searched under her blanket and found her phone.

Finally, finding it underneath her, She unlocked the screen.

"Thank you for tonight. I love you with every ounce of my being. I can’t wait to hold you again. I will be back soon." Brent's message melted her heart and heated up her core.

Why?? why now? Why after all this time? It’s not fair, She thought.

"I love you too Brent. I already miss you. Good night, my heart." She texted back and began to drift off.

It was pitch black with the exception of the small space in the burnt orange curtains covering the window near the dark brown leather love seat across from Sukie in the living room when she opened her eyes.

Oh no! not again. She thought.

Her body couldn't move. Her eyes shifted to the left as she saw familiar burning red eyes right in front of her face smiling with fangs glimmering in the moonlight.

“Hello, lovely.” A voice slithered quietly and sinister into her ear. She tried to scream but nothing came out. Closing her eyes tightly, she tried to move again but she couldn't.

"Leave me be!” She screamed in her mind since the words wouldn't come out of her mouth. She heard it growling and shut her eyes tightly as he tried to slow her breathing and convince herself it was just a dream. She refused to open her eyes.

Suddenly, it got very quiet, and she could finally move.

Her breathing was shallow, and she was still in panic mode. Something was different compared to before.

It spoke. It appeared in front of her.

The room felt empty and cold like the threat had just disappeared.

Sukie tried to sit up slowly.

Suddenly, she felt a swift slashing on her stomach. It felt like blades cutting her. She gasped and held her stomach. She couldn't breathe.

"This isn't real, this isn't real." She whispered as she felt excruciating pain where she was wounded.

She looked around and no one was there. Reaching for the lamp She knocked it over trying to turn it on.

Finally, she was able to hit the switch and looked at her hands that were covered in blood and shaking. Her whole body was shaking as she began to feel weak.

Her eyes reluctantly trailed down to her stomach which was also soaked with blood. It burned so much.

“What is this?” She tried to hold in the screams her body wanted to release so badly.

She couldn't wake her parents up. They would panic. How would she explain this?

She walked to the bathroom grabbing everything for balance the entire way. She needed to find a towel, peroxide, antibiotic ointment, cold water…something… anything to stop the pain and bleeding. She thought.

Turning the bathroom light on, she looked at her stomach. The scars were real.

Her body automatically turned to the toilet as she violently started throwing up. She began feeling more light-headed every second that passed. She could barely stand up as her legs grew weak.

Sukie found a towel and began applying pressure to the wounds. The towel was becoming saturated with her blood fast while her sight began to blur.

Closing her eyes, she slid down the bathroom door to the floor begging for it to be a dream, trying to keep herself from passing out.