
Inside the castle was pristine. My mother always said my father had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He totally hated any kind of mess. It angered him. Then again, what didn’t anger him?

The halls were long and dark with paintings of war, love, heaven, hell and so much history on the walls.

We kept walking until we reached large, black double doors. My father unlocked the door with a key on a batch of black keys he held as he handed me a matching key.

"This is your key, son." He said, handing me the key.

Inside the room was marble floors in black, gold and silver with furniture the color of gun metal.

The bed was huge with silk red bedding. The bathroom was black and gold marble and smelled like a forest. The entire room was the size of a small house. It was amazing.

"This was your room as a child. We had it remodeled for you since you are a man now. No more kiddie things allowed. Do you like it?" He smiled.

"It looks unreal father, thank you."