Training Day

Today was the first day of training and I was not excited about it. It was 5:00 a.m. and the sun had not begun to rise yet. Darkness cast its shadows over the kingdom causing an eerie feeling.

It seemed like sleeping soundly was a thing of the past since I arrived at my father's castle. Everyone was up before sunrise like it was the norm. I guess I would have to get used to this.

I wore all black sweatpants with a black t-shirt and a sports jacket and sneakers. I didn't know what to expect so I dressed as though I would be training for football.

I didn’t see how It could be harder than football. Then again, I had never trained with demons before. I had no idea what today would bring.

I wasn't very hungry, but I knew that I needed to have something in my stomach if I was going to be training all day.