Miss Me?

I lay in the bed that Izan and I had been rolling around in, feeling guilty for what I just did. After my hot shower of near death, I felt lost.

I didn't care that my hair was still wet and probably soaking the fluffy pillow I lay on. I was more annoyed that I was so entangled with Izan while I was still in love with Brent.

Why the hell is Brent so secretive? Why can't he just tell me what is going on? Am I not worth it? My head began throbbing with pain. The thoughts swirling through my mind did not help.

I was also still tipsy even after throwing up all the alcohol and taking an extremely long shower. Pulling a large pillow close to me, I held it tightly, as I felt myself begin to drift off to sleep.

My eyes shot open as my head was snatched backward. My hair was being pulled back tightly. I couldn't breathe. I couldn’t scream. Not Again.