"Leo-di," Zhao Sean's voice called softly, making Leo look up at him when he had admitted how tired he was.
Zhao Sean made Leo scoot over so he could sit beside him on his hospital bed, and Leo didn't know why but he did. Leo didn't know why he was letting Zhao Sean do this. He was fine, trying to hold himself together by some kind of invisible glue because he felt like he might burst or fall apart at the seams if he didn't.
He was fine, being alone crying himself to sleep and overthinking–doubting himself and his value, his worth–and if he was even enough. He was fine, even though he isn't so sure about himself anymore after losing his self-esteem, his composure and confidence in himself crumbling to the ground. He was fine, feeling as if his heart were torn to pieces and stomped on by someone. So why did he admit to Zhao Sean that he was not?