Akame watched Qiang Ling's self-absorption.

-- Tell me how I can help you," she said softly and tenderly, running her hand over the tormented man's face.

Qiang Ling looked in turn at his beautiful wife.

-- My father," said Qiang Ling, "the Count of Qiang, was sent to a distant land...It was a war; the divine emperor sent him to support a king in the area...I don't know what happened, if they gave him the girl as payment, as a slave or he found her abandoned, I never knew...her real name is Mek-su...I was 10 years old and she was about 10 years old.

I was 10 years old and she was 8 years old. When I saw her, the sun was erased, the stars ceased to exist for me. In a single breath I gave her my soul, my life and my destiny, every moment of my life belonged to her, my only food was her smile and the reason of my life was only her.