Kathy Hung woke up completely disoriented. A grandiose room. She was in an immense bed next to a wall.

An aroma to polished wood, to perfumes in oil...

She breathed in the scent. The room was in semi-darkness.

Typical for her. He saw everything. His mind saw it. She didn't process it. The image of Thomas came back to her. Instinctively she touched her chest and felt the thin gold chain he placed on her.

-- It's still me -- she whispered .

Thomas. For three and a half years he had ignored her. Now at the first opportunity he came straight for her. And the other man treated her like a being with rights.... She had to accept that they were both alphas in their own way. Nothing to do with the effeminate, tik tok thinking, empty, prefabricated men of prefabricated language and photocopied attitudes that were now commonplace on the streets.

Both were real men. Each in his own way.

-- What more could I ask for," said the young woman, walking toward a door and being stunned as she passed through it.

-- What is this? Where am I? -- she said, looking at the murals, the vases, the immense hallway.

Beginning to wander around, she continued speaking aloud to try to find some logic to her situation -- I'm in a vivid dream. It's the traumatic shock of the beginning of the internship.

He continued walking through what seemed like an infinite house.



He entered a large room and there he was. Tall. Imposing. Virile. Handsome. Looking straight at her.

-- How inappropriate..." She heard and saw a warrior looking at her.

-- You don't know our customs," the man stopped with a gesture.

The warrior immediately covered her with his own cloak.

--My lord. In addition, she is barefoot," the warrior pointed out.

-- I like it," said the man, "you have very beautiful feet.

-- I hope you understand that I am here against my will, and if this is a reality show, I should tell you that I expect to be paid for the use of my image.

-- Qiang Ling -- completed the man...

--And we are in...

--Six days by horseback north of Shaanxi.

-- What? What nonsense is this? I demand that you take me to the nearest airport. Because of you I'm going to lose my internship?.

-- You don't have to worry. There's always a solution to these things.

-- Yes. Repeat the academic year and lose my chances of a good job. Another thing. I traded in two of the feng shui ingots you gave me, and I was forced to tell you what my great-great-grandmother's favorite dessert was.

-- I hope she got her money's worth.

-- And I haven't enjoyed it," Kathy finished.

Their conversation was cut short by the arrival of a woman. Kathy was absolutely straight. But if she were ever up for an additional experience. The woman who had just walked in would be ideal. Dressed simply, with her hair in two long hairpins, without any make-up or adornment.... Why adornment? She was the adornment. That woman was the most gorgeous and beautiful woman anyone had ever seen; making Kathy's mouth drop open in pure amazement.

-- It's not real," said the girl, overwhelmed by the other's beauty.

-- My lord Count Qiang Ling. I present my greetings and obeisance," she said, bowing to the other, causing Kathy to look at her with curious astonishment.

-- You are received with my affection, Akame Mei Ling.

The woman did not even deign to look at her and with a gesture Qiang Ling ordered Kathy Hung to sit in one of the side chairs.

Qiang Ling sat down and some serving girls promptly brought short table, pitchers, teapots and tea.

Akame Mei Ling began the gongfu ceremony, lighting incense, then the fire, boiling water and the lights were quieting leaving an indirect light that only illuminated the participants of the ceremony; leaving Kathy Hung catatonic by the beauty of the development of the 21 steps of the ceremony, the inconceivable beauty of the woman and the strong presence of the man.

-- Not in 20,000 years can I compete with her. It will be the wife or the 'bao er nai? - Kathy whispered, when in her moment she received a small cup with the liquor of tea.


Thomas Zhao was standing right where Kathy and the other one were supposed to have fallen.... He walked around the outside gardens of the hospital.... But he found nothing... On his watch he was supporting the emergency admission... The usual ... Covid deniers arriving in near terminal stages of atypical pneumonia .... Antivaccine almost dead saying that if they were saved they would get every vaccine ever.... Heart attacks of the elderly, malnutrition of the homeless and Mcrefugiados.

A patrol car brought in a teenage girl. She had been raped and beaten. She was in a state of shock and hysteria and was incoherent.... She still had her school bag and after cleaning and sedating her, she was left for observation....

She had to carry her backpack to the shelter. Very heavy.

-- How can they put so much junk in these backpacks -- and she glimpsed to her astonishment. A huge ingot in the shape of a Yuan Bao.

-- What on earth?" he wondered in amazement, closing the bag.



Qiang Ling gazed at the full moon and the star-studded sky. A cool night in early summer.

Quietly came the woman.

-- You are fascinated with that girl. It's too hard for you to hide.

The man looked directly at her. On her perfect face there was a shadow of fear.

-- What are you saying? I didn't expect to hear you say that.

-- You're like a dazzled puppy.

-- I'll tell you that I brought her from her time of need. In this coming fight I need someone versed in healing the wounded," said the man, keeping his eyes fixed on the stars.

-- That is the most implausible excuse I have ever heard.

-- I know why you say that. I was hoping you'd bring someone with more experience.

-- That's right.

-- Well, you know not everyone can cross the portal. A lot of people get stuck in the void between time and time.

She was silent. She looked painfully at the stars with an expression of being at odds even with fate.

-- You are already my wife. You must not behave like this.

-- And that's why I have no more arguments to keep you. Not with her or with anyone else.

-- Akame Mei Ling. Look at me.

She revealed the beauty of her face bathed in moonlight that enhanced the whiteness of her skin.

-- Akame Mei Ling. I need no ceremony or courtship. I Count Qiang Ling formally ask you to marry me. I will not take no for an answer. The wedding ceremony will take place at the most auspicious time nearest to both of us.

-- Now I'm really scared," said the beautiful woman, running away in tears.